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    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline


    Am a Newb.

    Question 1: I calibrated the monitor. Toggling the preview calibration checkbox before installing the profile changes all the colors on the screen.  Does that mean everything is working?

    Question 2: I read on this forum that firefox and other programs may not work with the profile, but Everything on the screen changes color. What other programs will ignore the color profile when being displayed on the screen after the profile is “installed” ?

    Question 3: On the forum people say programs ignore the XYZLUT, and defaults to matrix. Is windows 7 desktop  ignoring the XYZLUT and defaulting to matrix ?  At what point is something on my screen ignoring the XYZLUT ?

    Question 4: WTH is the matrix, I am partial to the red pill myself. Is the matrix another lookup table or a transform function ? How do I know if the matrix is active vs the XYZLUT.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    Question 1: I calibrated the monitor. Toggling the preview calibration checkbox before installing the profile changes all the colors on the screen. Does that mean everything is working?

    At the very least it means that calibration loading is working.

    What other programs will ignore the color profile when being displayed on the screen after the profile is “installed” ?

    See the difference between calibration and profiling in the documentation. What you see desktop-wide (and programs don’t need to be aware of it) is the calibration. But only color managed applications will make use of the profile, and only those will be able to show correct colors.

    Question 3: On the forum people say programs ignore the XYZLUT, and defaults to matrix. Is windows 7 desktop ignoring the XYZLUT and defaulting to matrix ? At what point is something on my screen ignoring the XYZLUT ?

    My recommendation is to stick to defaults unless you have reason not to.

    Question 4: WTH is the matrix, I am partial to the red pill myself. Is the matrix another lookup table or a transform function ? How do I know if the matrix is active vs the XYZLUT.

    A matrix in terms of a color transform is generally a 3×3 matrix, a mathematical model to transform one set of color coordinates into another set of color coordinates, by means of linear algebra.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    Ok, So I am looking  AT,  the Calibration

    Windows 7 is reading  (the Profile),    which profile, the LUT or the Matrix ?

    __ for example, are my folder icons now the correct color ?

    If firefox has fx.color_management .enablev4   = false

    Is the stuff within the firefox window NOT color corrected  ?, but it looks different when I click Install profile.

    I am still having trouble visualizing the chain of events,  and where the calibration/ profile fits in that chain.

    I apologize if I sound like a blathering idiot.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    For example_

    Just running MPCHC w/MADVR,  with the calibrated profile installed.  It looks good, but is that NOT using the calibration ?

    And with the 3DLut enabled and installed into MADVR,  the loader reverts everything to an uncalibrated state, but the MPCHC/Madvr output looks similar to the calibrated image without the 3dLUT, but I’m assuming the 3D LUT must be running.

    I am not sure I am describing this properly.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Ok, So I am looking AT, the Calibration


    Windows 7 is reading (the Profile), which profile, the LUT or the Matrix ?

    Windows itself, like most applications, does have no notion of profiles. The only thing that Windows does is to provide a framework for applications to query profiles.

    If firefox has fx.color_management .enablev4 = false

    Is the stuff within the firefox window NOT color corrected ?

    It is, but in that case, Firefox will not use the cLUT of a cLUT profile, only the embedded matrix tags (less accurate).

    but it looks different when I click Install profile.

    Installing the profile makes it available to the system, and loads its calibration (if any) in the video card gamma tables.

    Just running MPCHC w/MADVR, with the calibrated profile installed. It looks good, but is that NOT using the calibration ?

    When no 3D LUT in madVR is active (default settings), then the calibration will usually be active. That means, no color correct rendering, only whitepoint/grayscale.

    And with the 3DLut enabled and installed into MADVR, the loader reverts everything to an uncalibrated state, but the MPCHC/Madvr output looks similar to the calibrated image without the 3dLUT, but I’m assuming the 3D LUT must be running.



    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    I tried creating a Madvr 3DLut for my budget netbook which only has 55% srgb. All the colors are messed up with it turned on. Is it just not possible because the values are clipped too far, or is there a different applicable setting ?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    You can try perceptual intent for the 3D LUT, which will compress rather than clip. 55% sRGB is really bad though.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    Hi Florian,

    I’ve been playing around with the software some more..  And you’ve said on the forum that you only recommend SHORT calibrations because the monitor/ colorimeter does not remain stable for LONG calibrations.

    I understand that backlight white point is influenced by temperature. What influences instability in the colorimeter. Is it temperature / static buildup/ cheap clock crystal ?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Colorimeters are usually not very susceptible to short-term drift (it takes months and years for their filters to degrade), although a sealed design like the i1D3 is surely less prone to be affected. Displays on the other hand are, although to a lesser extent due to backlight (LEDs are relatively stable), but internal electronics (dynamic dimming, power saving circuits etc).

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    I think I may have found a bug.

    If I Move MPCHC (madvr) w/ lut enabled  from  monitor 1 to  monitor 2 ,  THEN BACK to monitor 1,   the displaycal loader will set monitor 1’s profile to linear.

    This is with VGCT  NOT applied to the 3Dlut profile of either monitor during creation. unticked.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    If I Move MPCHC (madvr) w/ lut enabled from monitor 1 to monitor 2 , THEN BACK to monitor 1, the displaycal loader will set monitor 1’s profile to linear.

    The only way to get the profile loader to reset the videoLUT to linear, is to explicitly select that option from its pop-up menu.

    Apart from that, when madVR is active, the profile loader will not interfere (i.e. it will not prevent madVR from resetting the videoLUT), and madVR has full control of the videoLUT.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    If I Move MPCHC (madvr) w/ lut enabled from monitor 1 to monitor 2 , THEN BACK to monitor 1, the displaycal loader will set monitor 1’s profile to linear.

    The only way to get the profile loader to reset the videoLUT to linear, is to explicitly select that option from its pop-up menu.

    Apart from that, when madVR is active, the profile loader will not interfere (i.e. it will not prevent madVR from resetting the videoLUT), and madVR has full control of the videoLUT.

    Hi florian.

    My description in the last post was incorrect.

    What’s happened is,  I had vcgt ticked for monitor 2’s lut profile, but NOT for monitor 1.

    So when mpc is moved to monitor 2, the loader correctly switched to Linear for Monitor 2.

    But then when I moved the mpc back to monitor 1, the loader thinks that madvr is still using the vcgt (ticked) profile, thereby switching monitor 1 to linear as well. Which it should not, because monitor 1’s profile is vcgt (unticked)


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    What’s happened is, I had vcgt ticked for monitor 2’s lut profile, but NOT for monitor 1.

    That’s not how this works. You cannot “tick” or “untick” calibration per-monitor.

    So when mpc is moved to monitor 2, the loader correctly switched to Linear for Monitor 2.

    Please re-read what I posted above. It’s madVR that resets the videoLUT. The loaders whole purpose is the exact opposite, thus it needs to disable itself when it detects madVR.


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    I understand now. So , it’s a madvr bug..

    Thx Florian


    asdfage wegagag
    • Offline

    Hi florian,

    Is there a tool to visualize the madvr 3dlut that’s generated in a 3d plot  ?

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