Another disprd error

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  • #140634

    David C
    • Offline

    Looking for any useful suggestions.

    Windows 11, disrpd err 32 attempting to access i1Display.

    Works if I reboot and start DisplayCAL quickly. If I wait too long then nothing but another reboot will fix it.

    Tried two different methods to find another application using USB device – all failed. None of the known applications that affect USB devices are installed.

    Tried multiple USB ports.


    10:16:17,785 Command line:
    10:16:17,785 D:\Argyll_V3.1.0\bin\dispcal.exe
    10:16:17,786 -v2
    10:16:17,786 -d2
    10:16:17,786 -c1
    10:16:17,786 -yn
    10:16:17,786 "-P0.474805194805,0.560248447205,1.37149028078"
    10:16:17,786 -Iw
    10:16:17,786 -R
    10:16:18,052 DisplayCAL: Starting interaction with subprocess
    10:16:18,052 Setting up the instrument
    10:16:18,141 hid_open_port: Failed to open path ↲
    ↳ '\\?\hid#vid_0765&pid_5020#7&206ac12&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf- ↲
    ↳ 88cb-001111000030}' with err 32
    10:16:18,141 hid_open_port: Failed to open path ↲
    ↳ '\\?\hid#vid_0765&pid_5020#7&206ac12&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf- ↲
    ↳ 88cb-001111000030}' with err 32
    10:16:18,141 dispcal: Error - new_disprd() failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'
    10:16:18,244 DisplayCAL: Reached EOF (OK)
    10:16:18,244 dispcal exitcode: 1
    10:16:18,244 ...aborted.

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    Use 32bit version , report issues with ArgyllCMS apps to argyllcms mail list


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    Today, I faced this error and managed to solve it, although it took me way longer than expected. This error occurs when another process is accessing the colorimeter. It can be any kind of program or driver. In my case, it was Logitech’s “logi_lamparray_service.exe.” I disabled this service, and now it’s working like a charm.


    David C
    • Offline

    Thanks. Like I said I tried two methods to find another process that uses the device and neither worked. I guess I’ll start looking through services for anything suspicious.


    • Offline

    I recommend using Autoruns (from Microsoft), which will make disabling startup processes easier. Keep in mind that you have to reboot after disabling a startup process.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by Omelette.

    • Offline

    I am having the same issue David C, did you find the culprit?

    I have an almost fresh install of windows, so not many things installed, and yet I don’t find the reason why this is not working.


    David C
    • Offline

    No, I haven’t had time to even look yet.

    Mine started on a new machine with Windows 11. It is sold as a “game machine” and has lights. I use the driver because I haven’t physically disabled them yet and otherwise they flash around. That’s the first thing I’m going to try because I’ve found others who say the lights on their machine were the culprit.


    • Offline

    Thank you! The Logitech service apparently got installed with one of the GHub updates (or so it seems, anyway) and I had no idea why DisplayCal suddenly stopped working for me out of nowhere.


    Old Man
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    Drip drip drip…


    • Offline

    Thanks, you save my day.

    I have no idea why this logitech service occupies calibrator device.


    • Offline

    I decided to calibrated my display today again, and got the very same error.

    The exact culpit is:

    Service name: logi_lamparray_service
    Display name: Logitech LampArray Service
    Description: Provides HID LampArray Lighting support to Logitech devices



    David C
    • Offline

    I finally resolved mine. It was the lights, but I was setting the service to manual instead of disabled. I didn’t think it would start the service unless I got into the app to turn them off, but they were more aggressive about impressing me with beautiful color LED’s than I realized.

    It’s always the lights. The gaming box light show. The mouse light show. The keyboard… Every search hit I’ve found where someone resolved this it was the lights.


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    Much thanks for the logitech lamp array issue, was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why DisplayCal started failing.   Windows Update installed that Logic Driver for my USB Mouse which I’m pretty sure is related to  Windows 11 “Dynamic Lighting” support.

    If one has a device that’s showing up as a device in “Dynamic Lighting” then it’s most likely suspect.

    To fix my issue, I just set the service to run manually (or stopped it temporarily) which I run DisplayCal.   It’s sounds like bad programming though, not sure why logitech’s service is holding on to a  device handle to a random HID device that clearly is not related to logitech’s USB VID – this issue should be submitted to logitech and microsoft as a bug.

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