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Found a bug? If so, please first check the list of tickets, it may have been reported already.
Otherwise, please follow these guidelines for reporting bugs:

  • If you’re having an ArgyllCMS problem (e.g. “Instrument access failed”), please run spotread -D8 from a command prompt and contact Graeme Gill, developer of ArgyllCMS, directly (see for contact details).
  • Try to give a short, but concise summary of the problem.
  • Try to give some steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Always attach logfiles if possible. They are usually automatically created by DisplayCAL as part of normal program operation. If you’re having a problem with a particular instrument, it would be great if you could do a run with Argyll CMS debug output enabled in the “Advanced” sub-menu under the “Options” menu to generate a more verbose debug log – note that you have to enable advanced options first.
    The easiest way to get a complete set of logfiles is to choose “Show log” from the “Tools” menu and then click the “Create compressed archive…” button on the log window (not the “Save as…” button as this will only save the session log). You can also find the logfiles here:

    • Linux:
      /home/Your Username/.local/share/DisplayCAL/logs
    • Mac OS X:
      /Users/Your Username/Library/Logs/DisplayCAL and
      /Users/Your Username/Library/Logs/0install
    • Windows Vista and newer:
      C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\DisplayCAL\logs
    • Windows XP:
      C:\Documents and Settings\Your Username\Application Data\DisplayCAL\logs

    Note that if you have upgraded to DisplayCAL from dispcalGUI, that DisplayCAL will continue to use the existing dispcalGUI directories (so replace DisplayCAL with dispcalGUI in the locations above).

    As the folder may contain several logfiles, it is a good idea to compress the whole folder to a ZIP or tar.gz archive that you can easily attach to a bug report.

    Please note the logfiles may contain your username as well as paths of files you may have used in DisplayCAL. I will respect your privacy at all times, but you may want to consider this when attaching logfiles to public places like this issue tracker.

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Display Calibration and Characterization powered by ArgyllCMS