Displaycal Live mesure tool

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  • #14871

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    Hi Florian,

    Thanks a lot for this tool.

    Is there any kind of “live measure” tool that would make it possible to send a specific patch and to check both target and actual values (Y, x, y), and the delta E. That would be very useful to tune a white balance all over the gray scale for example or  to check the primary and secondary color values without the need to profile the all monitor.
    I didn’t find it but maybe it is hidden somewhere.




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    Hi again,

    Another question.

    It is briefly commented in the FAQ section but I’d like to have more infos on this.

    When I compare the whitepoint measures from Display Cal and Lightspace (the free version) there is a big difference, not in the Y values, but the x and y are pretty far.

    How do you explain that ? As it is the starting point for calibration, I’d like to know which are correct. (Even if I assume that the difference will be constant to the all caractérization).
    I’d like to stick to displayCal as much as possible but why are these measures different ? Is there some kind of different interpretation in the infos sent by the probe ?

    I’m trying to calibrate a LG C7 WRGB OLED Panel (from 2017)

    When Lightspace values with Generic CMF correction for a 255x255x255 white is 99,58/0,3126/0,3292

    The DisplayCal values are 99,50/0,3101/0,3263 with the WRGB OLED correction matrix and 99,47/0,3093/0,3284 With no correction

    I have an i1 Display Pro probe.

    Thanks a lot everyone.

    All the best,

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Florian Höch
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    How do you explain that ? As it is the starting point for calibration, I’d like to know which are correct. (Even if I assume that the difference will be constant to the all caractérization).

    Use the exact same correction in LS as in DisplayCAL. If LS doesn’t offer the same, you have to use none.

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