Color calibration on Deepin

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    Alberto Salvia Novella
    • Offline

    On Antergos Deepin, if I try to calibrate the screen with DisplayCAL, I get the following screen:


    Installing the package colord-kde doesn’t make any difference. But installing colord-gtk or gnome-color-manager shows the following screen:

    But there aren’t any system settings where to activate the profile.

    In the Terminal, if I enter “colormgr get-devices”, I only get a list of printers. My webcam and my screen aren’t listed.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    The Deepin DE does not currently provide a graphical interface for profile assignment AFAIK, and while it is based on Qt, KDE-specific session helpers (such as colord-kde) may not work (same for Gnome-specific tools). You can try installing the desktop-agnostic xiccd (this doesn’t provide any graphical tools, but should enable colord integration in the session, thus making colormgr list connected displays and allow profile assignment).


    Alberto Salvia Novella
    • Offline

    I tried xiccd, but I haven’t made it work.

    I have also opened a report at the Deepin project.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    I tried xiccd, but I haven’t made it work.

    Create an autostart entry /etc/xdg/autostart/xiccd.desktop with the following contents (assuming xiccd is installed in /usr/bin):

    [Desktop Entry]
    GenericName=X color management daemon
    Comment=Applies color management profiles to your session

    Then log out and back in (or reboot).


    Alberto Salvia Novella
    • Offline

    Interesting, it works!

    I have written a script for that. It will work in any Arch based distro, and with minimum editing in any other.

    Thank you 😉

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