Black output offset

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  • #9293

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    Hi Florian

    I guess this would be a feature request – was wondering if it is possible to implement more granular control over the black output offset. For example at 100% output offset I have a tiny amount of black crush, but at 99% it is raised too much and dark areas look quite a bit brighter, reducing contrast. I was wondering if you could implement .1 or .2 or even .5 increments in between each full percent. I think this could eliminate the tiny amount of black crush i’m seeing. I think HCFR can do .5 increments.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    this likely will not have the effect you’re hoping for, because the 1% increments are already only a fraction of the 3D LUT grid steps (i.e. 65) which are linearly interpolated by the consuming software/hardware (e.g. madVR). First test on the command line if such a change would actually make a difference in your situation.


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    Hi, could you guide me as to what would I add/change to the command line to accomplish this and how I would do this please? Sorry I only have experience with Displaycal and not with ArgyllCMS directly.


    Florian Höch
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    If you look at the log, you’ll see the collink commandline that is used. For output offset and gamma (e.g. 100% and 2.4 absolute), you’ll see a parameter -IB:1.0:2.4, the 1.0 in the example means 100% output offset, 99.5% in the same example would be -IB:0.995:2.4. You can add that parameter in the “Options” menu under “Advanced” -> “Additional command line parameters…” to override the setting on the 3D LUT tab.


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    That worked perfectly, thanks! What would be the command for hdr to sdr lut? That command gave me an error.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    You can’t use the mentioned trick for HDR 3D LUTs, it should also be not needed as it only affects near black.

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