Some confusion with profiles and LUTs

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    Mike Harrington
    • Offline

    I am trying to make a LUT for resolve GUI, and am confused about possible double color transforms.

    When calibrating/profiling….is the 1d lut loaded into the GPU and referenced all the time, or does it specifically have to be loaded. (Does displaycal load it)

    I am just concerned about using a 3d LUT that entails the entire correction, and applying it on top of an icc profile or 1D GPU LUT that also contains partial correction.

    AKAIK Resolve ignores ICC, but I am not sure if the GPU 1D lut  is permanently active.

    Sorry for the confusion 🙂


    Mike Harrington
    • Offline

    Correct me  if I am wrong

    I am making a 3d LUT and profile for Resolve GUI with these assumptions…..

    As long as the profile is loaded through the displayCal profile loader (set as default) then the 1D GPU table should also be loaded. So apply VCGT should be un-checked so that the LUT does not double the effect of the 1D GPU LUT.

    Or resetting video card gamma table in the profile loader would remove the 1D LUT as a fix.

    Is this correct?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    As long as the profile is loaded through the displayCal profile loader (set as default) then the 1D GPU table should also be loaded. So apply VCGT should be un-checked so that the LUT does not double the effect of the 1D GPU LUT.



    Mike Harrington
    • Offline

    Thanks Florian.

    Really appreciate the help and the product you’ve created.

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