Problem with Resolve and DTP94

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  • #2779

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    Hey Group,

    i have a problem and don’t know how to fix it. Maybe someone have a clue or a hint for me.

    I try to calibrate my DaVinci Resolve OS-X (10.11.4) System with DisplayCAL and my old MonacoOptixXR (DTP94). I installed the latest Version of DisplayCAL and calibrated my two GUI Monitors without any pain. When i try to create the 3D LUT for my external HDMI Display through Resolve it’s getting really weird. I got error Messages from the DTP like “Instrument Access Failed” while calibrating and if i retry i got “can’t initialize Instrument”. The DTP is working after a reconnecting the USB again.

    My first clue was: ok the DTP94 is dead or problems with the USB port. I try other ports, reboot but the problem is still there. But when i try to calibrate the GUI Monitors again, everything is fine.

    Here is my Log:

    19:54:40,054 2016-04-11T11:07:45.98971Z
    19:54:40,058 Mac OS X 10.11.4 x86_64
    19:54:40,058 Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec  5 2015, 12:49:54) 
    19:54:40,058 [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5577)]
    19:54:40,058 wxPython osx-cocoa (classic)
    19:54:40,059 Encoding: UTF-8
    19:54:40,059 File system encoding: utf-8
    19:54:40,084 Connection to failed: [Errno 61] Connection refused
    19:54:40,487 Starting up...
    19:54:41,035 Audio module: pyglet 1.2.2
    19:54:42,513 /Users/Joe/Downloads/Argyll_V1.8.3/bin
    19:54:43,273 Argyll CMS 1.8.3
    19:54:43,451 Argyll 'V1.8.3' Build 'OS X 64 bit' System 'Darwin Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0:
    19:54:43,451 Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64 15.4.0
    19:54:43,451 x86_64'
    19:54:43,452 Dispwin: Warning - new_dispwin: frame buffer depth 8 != GammaTable depth 10
    19:54:43,544 VideoLUT has 1024 entries, interpolating to 256
    19:54:43,824 Argyll 'V1.8.3' Build 'OS X 64 bit' System 'Darwin Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0:
    19:54:43,824 Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64 15.4.0
    19:54:43,824 x86_64'
    19:54:43,825 Dispwin: Warning - new_dispwin: frame buffer depth 8 != GammaTable depth 10
    19:54:43,906 VideoLUT has 1024 entries, interpolating to 256
    19:54:44,137 Initializing GUI...
    19:54:45,394 ...ok.
    19:54:45,395 Ready.
    19:54:45,677 Setting up scripting host at
    19:54:45,803 Check for application update...
    19:54:45,853 DisplayCAL is up-to-date.
    19:54:45,930 Argyll CMS is up-to-date.
    20:00:23,296 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20:00:23,296 Calibrate & profile
    20:00:24,489 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    20:00:24,489 Session log: Resolve 2016-04-26 20-00 120cdm² 0.3127x 0.329y S XYZLUT.log
    20:00:24,490 Working directory:
    20:00:24,491   /
    20:00:24,491    var/
    20:00:24,492     folders/
    20:00:24,492      7l/
    20:00:24,492       vt0q0vs11zn9kg5zrg81_43r0000gn/
    20:00:24,493        T/
    20:00:24,493         DisplayCAL-hWKycd/
    20:00:24,493 Command line:
    20:00:24,494   dispcal
    20:00:24,494     -C
    20:00:24,494     '"/Applications/DisplayCAL/" ./.wait'
    20:00:24,494     -v2
    20:00:24,494     -d1
    20:00:24,495     -c1
    20:00:24,495     -yl
    20:00:24,495     -P1,1,0.01
    20:00:24,495     -w0.3127,0.329
    20:00:24,495     -b120.0
    20:00:24,496     -b
    20:00:24,496     'Resolve 2016-04-26 20-00 120cdm² 0.3127x 0.329y S XYZLUT'
    20:00:24,496 DisplayCAL: Setting ARGYLL_MIN_DISPLAY_UPDATE_DELAY_MS 600
    20:00:24,500 Waiting for connection at
    20:00:46,155 Connection established
    20:00:46,157 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 0.500 0.500 0.500, background RGB 0.220 0.220 0.220, x
    20:00:46,157 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:00:46,158 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 1
    20:00:46,164 DisplayCAL: Starting interaction with subprocess
    20:00:46,235 Argyll 'V1.8.3' Build 'OS X 64 bit' System 'Darwin Darwin Kernel Version 15.4.0:
    20:00:46,235 Fri Feb 26 22:08:05 PST 2016; root:xnu-3248.40.184~3/RELEASE_X86_64 15.4.0
    20:00:46,235 x86_64'
    20:00:46,236 Setting up the instrument
    20:00:47,475  Instrument Type:  DTP94
    20:00:47,475  Serial Number:    025460
    20:00:47,476  Boot version:     D929
    20:00:47,476  Software version: DB06
    20:00:47,555 dispcal: Warning - new_dispwin: frame buffer depth 8 != GammaTable depth 10
    20:00:48,173 Place instrument on test window.
    20:00:48,175 DisplayCAL: Waiting for send buffer
    20:01:29,871 DisplayCAL: Sending buffer: ' '
    20:01:29,927 Hit Esc or Q to give up, any other key to continue:
    20:01:29,927 Display type is 'l'
    20:01:29,928 Target white = xy 0.312700 0.329000
    20:01:29,928 Target white brightness = 120.000000 cd/m^2
    20:01:29,929 Target black brightness = native brightness
    20:01:29,929 Black point device hack is enabled
    20:01:29,929 Target advertised gamma = 2.400000
    20:01:29,930 Display adjustment menu:
    20:01:29,930 Press 1 .. 7
    20:01:29,931 1) Black level (CRT: Offset/Brightness)
    20:01:29,931 2) White point (Color temperature, R,G,B, Gain/Contrast)
    20:01:29,931 3) White level (CRT: Gain/Contrast, LCD: Brightness/Backlight)
    20:01:29,932 4) Black point (R,G,B, Offset/Brightness)
    20:01:29,932 5) Check all
    20:01:29,932 6) Measure and set ambient for viewing condition adjustment
    20:01:29,933 7) Continue on to calibration
    20:01:29,933 8) Exit
    20:01:29,936 DisplayCAL: Waiting for send buffer
    20:01:31,181 DisplayCAL: Sending buffer: '2'
    20:01:31,236 Doing some initial measurements
    20:01:31,259 Current RGB 255 0 0 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    20:01:31,260 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 1.000 0.000 0.000, background RGB 0.162 0.249 0.249, x
    20:01:31,260 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:31,260 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 1
    20:01:35,057 Current RGB 0 255 0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
    20:01:35,058 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 0.000 1.000 0.000, background RGB 0.249 0.162 0.249, x
    20:01:35,058 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:35,059 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 2
    20:01:38,274 Current RGB 0 0 255 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    20:01:38,275 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 0.000 0.000 1.000, background RGB 0.249 0.249 0.162, x
    20:01:38,275 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:38,275 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 3
    20:01:41,338 Red   = XYZ 50.010 25.370  0.650
    20:01:41,339 Green = XYZ 42.880 87.510  9.200
    20:01:41,339 Blue  = XYZ 24.060 10.320 123.160
    20:01:41,354 Current RGB 255 255 255 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
    20:01:41,355 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 1.000 1.000 1.000, background RGB 0.090 0.090 0.090, x
    20:01:41,355 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:41,356 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 4
    20:01:43,034 White = XYZ 117.010 123.320 132.580
    20:01:43,036 Adjust R,G & B gain to get target x,y. Press space when done.
    20:01:43,036    Target Br 120.00, x 0.3127 , y 0.3290
    20:01:43,049 Current RGB 255 255 255 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
    20:01:43,050 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 1.000 1.000 1.000, background RGB 0.090 0.090 0.090, x
    20:01:43,050 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:43,051 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 1
    20:01:44,723 DisplayCAL: Argyll CMS patch update count: 1
    20:01:44,739 / Current Br 123.66, x 0.3136-, y 0.3308-  DE  1.0  R-  G-  B++
    20:01:44,739 Current RGB 255 255 255 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
    20:01:44,740 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 1.000 1.000 1.000, background RGB 0.090 0.090 0.090, x
    20:01:44,740 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:44,740 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 2
    20:01:46,411 DisplayCAL: Argyll CMS patch update count: 2
    20:01:46,426 \ Current Br 123.67, x 0.3136-, y 0.3308-  DE  1.0  R-  G-  B++
    20:01:46,427 Current RGB 255 255 255 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
    20:01:46,428 DisplayCAL: Sending RGB 1.000 1.000 1.000, background RGB 0.090 0.090 0.090, x
    20:01:46,428 0.3633, y 0.3632, w 0.2520, h 0.4479
    20:01:46,428 DisplayCAL: Patterngenerator sent count: 3
    20:01:47,715 Sample read failed due to communication problem.
    20:01:47,717 DisplayCAL: Waiting for send buffer
    20:01:47,717 DisplayCAL: Sending buffer: ' '
    20:01:47,772 Hit Esc or Q to give up, any other key to retry:
    20:01:47,773 Sample read failed with unhandled error.
    20:01:47,774 The instrument can be removed from the screen.
    20:01:47,777 dispcal: Error - display read failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'
    20:01:47,782 DisplayCAL: Reached EOF (OK)
    20:01:47,888 ...aborted.
    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Florian Höch. Reason: Log formatting

    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    I’ve heard some of the older instruments can be a bit finicky when it comes to USB timing. Is the system under load while the instrument failures happen?

    You may also try the attached Argyll 1.8.5 Beta files (make a backup copy of your “Argyll_V1.8.3” folder, then move the three files from the ZIP to the “bin” subfolder, overwriting existing copies).

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by Florian Höch. Reason: Fix file attachment

    • Offline

    Hi Florian,

    thank you. I really appreciate you help.

    No, the system is runner at 20% load while the process is running and the failure occurs. I try the Argyll Beta and give a report.



    • Offline

    Hi Again… 😉

    the beta files are not executable. I think there are missing links.

    22:25:37,251 DisplayCAL: Starting interaction with subprocess
    22:25:37,256 dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/libtiff/lib/libtiff.5.dylib
    22:25:37,256   Referenced from: /Users/Joe/Downloads/Argyll_V1.8.3/bin/dispcal
    22:25:37,257   Reason: image not found
    22:25:37,259 DisplayCAL: Reached EOF (OK)


    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by DigiJoe.

    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Sorry about that. Try the attached.

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    No Problem. I will try that when i am back at home. Did you have an clue why that only happens with resolve?


    • Offline

    I changed the files but the problem persists.

    16:14:40,325 Sample read failed due to communication problem.
    16:14:40,327 DisplayCAL: Waiting for send buffer
    16:14:40,328 DisplayCAL: Sending buffer: ‘ ‘
    16:14:40,383 Hit Esc or Q to give up, any other key to retry:
    16:14:40,384 Sample read failed with unhandled error.
    16:14:40,384 The instrument can be removed from the screen.
    16:14:40,387 dispread: Error – dispd->read returned error code 2
    16:14:40,390 DisplayCAL: Reached EOF (OK)
    16:14:40,495 …aborted.


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    I tried a few more times. In the best run i got Patch 67 from 154. 🙁


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Please temporarily enable Argyll CMS diagnostic debug output in the “Options” menu and start a calibration. After it fails, open the log (menu “Tools”) and save it to a text file, then attach the latter. Thanks.


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    Hey Florian,

    we can close the “case”. I borrowed a Spyder 4 from a friend today and it’s working fine. I think my old DTP94 is not trustworthy anymore. Thanks for your help!

    Best Regards


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Alright, although if you’d be willing to do a few tests, we might figure out why the DTP94 isn’t working via Resolve (otherwise I’m curently looking into getting a DTP94 used, as I don’t own this instrument myself).


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    Sure, let me know what you need.


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    It’s a bit involved, so I’ll leave it up to you if you want to invest the time.

    Here’s what you could try:

    1. First, save the attached file to a folder of your choice, and rename it by removing the “.txt” file extension.
    2. Then, open and type cd /path/to/your/folder_of_choice
    3. Afterwards, type chmod +x waitpy
    4. Now start a calibration (with the DTP94 connected) using the following command line (all one line):
      /Users/Joe/Downloads/Argyll_V1.8.3/bin/dispcal -C '"/Applications/DisplayCAL/" ./wait' -v2 -d1 -c1 -yl -w0.3127,0.329 -b120.0 -b -m Test
    5. Put the instrument on the test patch window and confirm the dispcal prompt. The first RGB triplet that is going to be measured will be printed on the terminal.
    6. Open a second terminal window. Now begins the tedious part.
    7. Again, type cd /path/to/your/folder_of_choice
    8. Type echo "" > .ok
    9. Each time a new RGB triplet is ready to be measured (dispcal will print the RGB values first, so you’ll know when it is waiting), repeat step 8. You can try varying the time between the RGB triplets being printed and executing the above command.

    Basically, this is a bit of a shot in the dark to see if/how it fails in a more simple scenario – it would also be interesting to know if the above procedure fails with and/or without Resolve running (although there will be no connection or any direct interaction with it).

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Florian Höch.
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    Hey Florian,

    i think there is something wrong. Dispcal is not waiting for the command from the second terminal instance. And in the main windows i got

    dispcal: Warning - System command '"/Applications/DisplayCAL/" ./wait 255 255 255 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000' failed with 256
    patch 4 of 9Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
    Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
    Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
    ImportError: No module named site

    for every Patch.

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