Measurement report vs. self check report

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  • #20712

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    So this is the first time I’ve read the full self check report and when I compared it to the measurement report (extended verifation testchart, 81 patches) the results were very similar but I noticed that self check report  didn’t have “the blue jump” at zero prosent mark at the RGB Gray balance section, that I’ve always seen in the measured reports, including this one. Also, Correlated Color Temperature was very stable between 0-5 prosent readings in self check, again, unlike in the measurement report.

    In the past I’ve thought that the measurent report is inherentlymore reliable, so can you tell me what causes these (pretty minor) differences? If would choose a larger test chart (large or extra large verifation testchart) would I get maybe get better results in the 0-5 prosent areas?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Thomasin.
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    Florian Höch
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    Most LCD displays have a blueish/purplish black point. You can correct for that with calibration (black point hue correction), but at the expense of contrast, so in 99% of cases you wouldn’t want to do that. The only relevant values are the delta E in the overview. You do not seem to have a visually colorized black.


    Shane Taylor
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    Florian, can you please explain what the difference it between the self check report and the measurement report. I get the measurement report, since you actually measure something, but I don’t quite get what the point of the self check report is and what it is “checking”. Maybe I missed it in the docs, but I’ve searched the forum and this is all I found.


    Old Man
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    I also would like to know


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    Florian, can you please explain what the difference it between the self check report and the measurement report. I get the measurement report, since you actually measure something, but I don’t quite get what the point of the self check report is and what it is “checking”. Maybe I missed it in the docs, but I’ve searched the forum and this is all I found.

    I also would like to know

    I’d say

    • self report: ti3 vs ICC (ti3 with profiling patches vs actual profile will all idealizations simplifications that user configured) => like Argyll’s “profcheck” when you make a 3d mesh printer profile, jsu to verify that no profiling patches measured some weird value that does not fit with behavior prediction stored in ICC
    • measurement report: arbitrary measurement patches vs ICC
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 1 week ago by Vincent.

    Old Man
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