LG 32EP950 (JOLED panel) and i1 Display Pro issues with Red

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    Mark Walter
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    Not to stray out of my lane… What Vincent is saying is that once DisplayCal is used to install a profile, for whatever reason it doesn’t matter, the options you need will be unlocked for verification on whatever terms suit you.


    Well, how can I set a different gamma curve? All I can select is Rec709 unmodified. If I change anything, the measurement button gets greyed out.


    Looks like you did not install ever a display profile through displaycal. The buttons get unlocked then, mine are unlocked.

    *** Ask Erkan to avoid this “feature” in DisplayCAL fork for Python3 since DisplayCAL developer is not releasing new versions at least fro now. There is a thread about that.


    Not to stray out of my lane… What Vincent is saying is that once DisplayCal is used to install a profile, for whatever reason it doesn’t matter, the options you need will be unlocked for verification on whatever terms suit you.

    thank you very much for your reply. Of course I installed many many display profiles through display cal over the years. Still it looks like this option is greyed out if you don’t verify a display profile that has been installed with display cal.

    I do not see such behavior on my setup so IDNK what you did wrong or misconfigured.

    Maybe someone who has installed DisplayCAL for the first time in the last years (latest version) may shed light on that bug/feature.

    Well I guess this explains it. No newbie or users fault. Just a problem with macOS.

    Reply To: DisplayCAL verification for dummies


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    If it is still a macOS only bug then use Erkan’s port to Python 3, link was posted previously

    Python 3.x Development Announcement


    IDNK if there are DMGs at this point.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vincent.

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    I am running into a problem that I am beginning to believe is an issue with the i1 (Calibrite ColorChecker) Display  Pro when used with the LG 32EP950, which is a JOLED (RGB OLED, not WRGB) panel.

    Courtesy of Amazon Prime Day last month, I just got a brand new 32EP950 a couple of days ago. So far with factory calibration it is already the best monitor I have ever seen with my own eyes. But for digital photography purposes, I would like to calibrate it the best I can.

    Since DisplayCal has been my calibration tool for years, I landed to this thread right away. Having read all 6 pages, I have the following questions:

    1. Since even i1D Pro or Plus won’t cut it, I guess using  i1D3 will be hopeless?

    2. From X-rite/Calibrite’s comparison chart, the “Plus” has marketing language that includes “OLED, HDR, 2000 nits” that seems to imply it’s better suited for this 32EP950, is this correct?

    3. Given Raymond’s on-going struggles with Calibrite, is it still a good idea to get a “Plus”?

    4. Spider X seems like a good alternative, but is it really wise to pair such an expensive monitor with a device that is a bit older?

    5. Does DisplayCal work better with i1D Plus or SpiderX?

    6. I also have a Samsung LSP9T Laser Projector that is also giving problems to my current i1D3 when it comes to reds. The problem is well documented on AV forums but there doesn’t seem to be solutions aside from getting into those crazy expensive spectrometers that cost thousands of dollars. Has anyone had good experience with i1D Plus or SpiderX for projectors?

    7. Will the i1D “Studio” solve all problems of the LG OLED and Samsung Laser Projector at the same time?  Because it’s an actual “spectrophotometer”?

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    Sadly, I took too long so I couldn’t edit the errors in my post above, so here are my follow-up questions:

    1.  Based on Raymond’s experience, it seems using i1D3 (Pro) and Plus may produce verification errors, but the results don’t affect real world use?
    2. So I can potentially get away with the i1D3 on the 32EP950?
    3. @Raymond L, why did you end up settling on i1 Studio as your “production solution”? How much slower is it compared to i1D3?
    4. Is the Calibrite’s version of i1 Studio an “improved” version or they just took whatever X-rite was selling and rebranded it?
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by DCfan.

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    But as I prefer CIE 2012, I’ve settled on using DisplayCAL with i1 Studio as my production solution.

    Hi Raymond, I just realized that by “i1 Studio” you are actually referring to the old “i1Display Studio” that has been rebranded to “Colorchecker Display”, is this correct?

    Right now, Calibrite has a new product called “Colorchecker Studio” which is actually a “spectrophotometer” that can be used for printer and scanner profiling as well as monitoring calibration.

    I wonder if this new ColorChecker Studio Spectrophotometer is superior to i1D Studio, Pro or Plus? Attached is a new naming scheme for everyone’s reference.

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    Raymond L
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    Yes, the studio works ok but all spectros will have slower (and perhaps slightly less accurate) performance on dark colors. OTOH, an upside is that you can experiment with different color matching functions.

    For me personally, I have sold the studio as I found a good deal on an i1Basic Pro 3 (and though I don’t generally deal with print, the seller had an ~8 yr old upgrade license SKU sitting on their shelf  for the print license, making it into an i1Profile Pro 3, for an additional $70 so I took it).

    In discussing Pro or Plus, we must be careful to distinguish the Display Pro or Display Plus vs not having “Display”.  DISPLAY indicates that it’s the colorimeter line…. w/o display indicates the spectro line, e.g. i1Basic Pro 3, i1Basic Pro 3 Plus, i1Profile Pro 3 , i1Profile Pro 3 Plus.

    As to the Pro 3 vs Pro 3 Plus, I forget why, but my research indicated that the Plus is actually not a plus for display use.


    Raymond L
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    Also, I do encourage folks with calibrite colorchecker display pro / plus who have the dark reds issue to nevertheless contact calibrite. The more they hear, the more urgent a fix becomes.


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    Hello everyone.

    I just ordered this monitor and I’m waiting for the calibrite plus (colorimeter) to be shipped to replace my colormunky photo (cheap spectrophotometer)

    Considering that I’ve always had cheap monitors and I have no pretensions of “perfection” value (I am just an amat photographer)what do you suggest I  have to do?

    (I’ve read the whole discussion here and I admit that I understood very little (nothing?)of tech suggestion of the very experienced Vincent and other user..I am completely, total noob)

    I would use boundle free software provided by LG…not calman and not colorthink..i pay 1900 eur for display*same price of  benq actually???? and ATM that’s enought.

    So can I use calibrite display plus with lg calibrqrion software and may it give me any pros VS make the same thing with colormunky?

    In that case i would  stop shipping of caliberte plus …….or are the validation/calibration problems encountered only with argyll-displaycal?

    Has xrite (os anyone among  you)solved the problem in these months by any chance?

    Because if bot  I would  use the colormunky and save 200 euros or just keep the factory calibration if is there any way to do a proper validation from displaycal

    buy a different probe could be another option.

    Hoping google translate helped me fine to write an understable question.

    Regards and thankyou in advanced

    Calibrite Display Plus HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    RGB OLEDs spectral power distribution (powers vs wavelength 2D graph) should have peaks broad enough to be captured by a 10nm spectro, altough in the same was as my GB-LED you can have some 2-3dE offset to actual white that gies away using ArgyllCMS 3nm mode.
    If that bothers you using LG HW calibration software just aim for an alt whitepoint where you add the offset to actual D65 measured with ARgyllCMS 3nm.

    The main issue with spectrophotomeyters is that they are slow, very slow. If you wish to calibrate to native gamut (HW cal , LG software) then make a LUT3D for Resolve (or for madVR to consume content) with DisplayCAL to measure a 17x17x17 cube will need 5000K patches. That is a long time using an spectro and not too long using an i1displaypro.

    I’ll test LG software with munki photo if supported. Then validate results with 130 patch with ARgyllCMS + DIsplayCAL, inspect grey rampo in DIsplayCAL HTML report carefully. If that’s OK (exclusing that whitepoint offset because LG software measured at 10nm resolution), maybe you can live with it and spend no money.

    BEWARE: ArgyllCMS NEEDS usb driver for xriet spectros in MS windows. You need to learn how to switch from one driver to another in Device Manager. It’s easy, read Argyllcms doc.
    If you need signed USB drivers, set DIsplayCAL to use AgryllCMS 2.1.2, then download signed driver (2.1.2) from DisplayCAL menu. After that you can switch back to argyllCMS 2.3.1 (latest). Driver has not changed for munkis or i1pro2, but DisplayCAL latest signed driver is 2.1.2.
    If when munki is plugged it shows on device managed as Xrite driver, Argyllcms won’t run with it. If munki shows ArgyllCMS usb driver it won’t work with Calman, LG, Xrite software…etc. Just switch driver (4 clicks) and rerun calibration app.

    Regarding red channel nead black readings with i1displaypro colorimeter it seems that there is no update on Xrite site. This won’t be an issue for calibration with LG software since it aims (like any other vendor app for calibratin) for a matrix profile with too few 3d mesh measurements and native gamma ramps with few measurements too (vendor apps fro calibration assume near ideal behavior of thir displays,  so calibration is fast…. but if QC is bad that calibration may be innacurate). So it won’t notice it because it won’t measure those colors.
    If you wish to measure those near black red colors your best chance is ArgyllCMS, contact maillist and provide all debug and log data requested, also be willing to test “alpha versions”. Otherwise thi issue won’t be solved.
    It seems that none of the people that posted previously did all the way regarding asking for ArgyllCMS support adn be willing to test apla versions, but maybe i’m wrong and they are doing it right now by private emails.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Vincent.

    Mark Walter
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    I contacted graham through the mailing list, got one reply. After that I offered all the testing necessary but haven’t heard since then even after a few attempts, no reaction anymore. Then I learned from Raymond that he also did a lot of testing with graham which wasn’t successful apparently. This was all discussed here, so no private conversations.

    I decided to use Lg calibration studio in the end, it is very simple to use and matches (at least by eye) my other monitor which is calibrated, profiled and verified with displaycal. Unfortunately I cannot verify the result of Lg calibration studio  with displaycal, because verification is greyed out on the Mac version when the profile is not calibrated with displaycal. I told Erkan about this bug to implement it in the new version, but also haven’t heard back. For now I just use Lg calibration studio and I like it because it is hardware calibration.


    Mark Walter
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    We just need Florian back. Best support!


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    Thanks Vincent, your solution is too complex for my abilities and knowing that Mark, who is more competent than me, hasn’t solved it anyway demoralizes me.

    90% of what I read here is really complex  to understand even if I commit myself (subjects that have always been difficult for me)

    Mark, did you use the original software with your calibrite colorinetro?

    Here it seems they also had problems with the original software and calibritedisplay plus

    LG UltraFine 32EP950 OLED Pro


    Mark Walter
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    No, I just used LG calibration studio. It’s pretty straight forward and simple to use. It can talk to the hardware of your monitor (like calman), and store the calibration there. So you just select on the monitor which colorspace you want, rec709 or srgb and there you go. Much easier than display cal as there are not that many options.


    Mark Walter
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    But to be honest, there you will also get one red patch with a delta e of 1.23 or so with the display plus whilst the others are pretty good at around 0.2 or 0.3. I also have a colormunki photo which is fine. But then again spectros (especially this one) is not very accurate in dark colors. I would say it’s all quite far from a perfect solution, but it’s ok. I would hope that they put more functionality in Lg calibration studio. I even wrote the guy who is responsible for calibration studio, but no reply unfortunately. I just came to a point where I decided that I there are more important things to do.

    But it’s a great display and fun to work with. I would say it’s 97% correct, if that makes any sense.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Mark Walter.

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    Yes Mark with “original sofrware” I meant LG stocked one)free software) but I do not undersstand which kind of instrument you used (xrite colorimeter or spectro)

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