LG 32EP950 (JOLED panel) and i1 Display Pro issues with Red

Home Forums General Discussion LG 32EP950 (JOLED panel) and i1 Display Pro issues with Red

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    I’ve never tried the “spotread” tool, though it might be worth giving a shot.

    If you do that, enable the full debug information (-D3 or something like that + logfile). This will get you a hint of threshold values, iterative measure command for the same patch etc.
    Start spotread with MS paint and red patch 38, 0 ,0 since it seems it’s the brightnest patch that goes unnoticed.


    Mark Walter
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    Right now we don’t know if ColorSpace team have figured out a way to read dark colors off OLED displays using i1d3 better than Argyll or not. Doing the tests might help answer the question.

    According to ArgyllCMS source there is actually a new command sent through USB, AIO mode.
    I had not checked argyll source for a long time and I had not noticed it and i thought AIO was just a new set of hardcoded params for iterative measurement.
    Argyll right now does not uses it, but LI seems to have access to OEM SDK with full detailed documentation so if this new command works better in oled right readisng… yes, they have it.

    Another question is if iterative measurements used by argyll with its 2 current commands when returned value falls bellow some threshold value can be improved for these JOLEDs. It will be hit and miss, maybe Graeme do not want to do this tiresome process without paypal support. IDNK, but maybe it’s the reason maillist threads about this didn’t go further.

    The AIO mode is being discussed at the moment within the mailing list, if you’re interested.

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Kuba Trybowski
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    I got to this point:

    Place instrument on spot to be measured,
    and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
    [a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
    'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
    'f' to report cal. refresh rate, 'F' to measure refresh rate
    'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
    Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading: i1d3: i1d3_read_sample called

    What should I do?


    • Offline

    Right now we don’t know if ColorSpace team have figured out a way to read dark colors off OLED displays using i1d3 better than Argyll or not. Doing the tests might help answer the question.

    According to ArgyllCMS source there is actually a new command sent through USB, AIO mode.
    I had not checked argyll source for a long time and I had not noticed it and i thought AIO was just a new set of hardcoded params for iterative measurement.
    Argyll right now does not uses it, but LI seems to have access to OEM SDK with full detailed documentation so if this new command works better in oled right readisng… yes, they have it.

    Another question is if iterative measurements used by argyll with its 2 current commands when returned value falls bellow some threshold value can be improved for these JOLEDs. It will be hit and miss, maybe Graeme do not want to do this tiresome process without paypal support. IDNK, but maybe it’s the reason maillist threads about this didn’t go further.

    The AIO mode is being discussed at the moment within the mailing list, if you’re interested.


    The debug traces showed very peculiar measurement data –
    the first frequency measurement showed a small red reading, and the
    subsequent period measurement showed no edge transitions. This shouldn’t
    be possible if the output of the L2F is consistent and the hardware
    and firmware is operating normally.

    Did someone use, just for checking, a measurement using “period” command instead of “frecquency” command?
    Just to check the measured values in the 2nd/3rd measurement attempt, I mean:
    -1st reading, roport values under some threshold
    -remeasure with other params
    Just to check if counter values reported over USB are still 0


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    I got to this point:

    Place instrument on spot to be measured,
    and hit [A-Z] to read white and setup FWA compensation (keyed to letter)
    [a-z] to read and make FWA compensated reading from keyed reference
    'r' to set reference, 's' to save spectrum,
    'f' to report cal. refresh rate, 'F' to measure refresh rate
    'h' to toggle high res., 'k' to do a calibration
    Hit ESC or Q to exit, any other key to take a reading: i1d3: i1d3_read_sample called

    What should I do?

    -Put in MS paint in your screen whatever non color managed RGB patch you want to measure, a big square or full image filled with that color
    -Place i1d3 over the patch
    -Then in the (small sized, otherwise you will hide the color patch) command line window where you are running spotread “press space”(for example)  and spotread will take a read and output XYZ or whatever format you configured for measured values.

    spotread is just a simple way to take a reading from screen. Since we want to measure raw non color managed patches, MS paint is a good option because it is easy to put whatever RGB color you want.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vincent.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vincent.

    Kuba Trybowski
    • Offline

    Thank you very much.

    The results for 38 0 0:

    i1d3_get_diffpos: got 0
    take_emis_measurement called
    Doing fixed period frequency measurement over 0.200000 secs
    Got 10.500000 1.500000 0.500000 raw, 26.250000 3.750000 1.250000 Hz
    chan 0 needs re-reading
    chan 1 needs re-reading
    chan 2 needs re-reading
    chan 0 needs pre-measurement
    chan 1 needs pre-measurement
    chan 2 needs pre-measurement
    Doing 1st period pre-measurement mask 0x7, edgec 2 2 2
    i1d3_command: ignoring status byte = 0x83
    Got 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 raw 1.#INF00 1.#INF00 1.#INF00 Hz
    chan 0 had no reading, so skipping period measurement
    chan 1 had no reading, so skipping period measurement
    chan 2 had no reading, so skipping period measurement
    target re-measure inttime 0.200000
    Took 11390 msec to measure
    Cooked RGB = 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    returning XYZ = 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    Result is XYZ: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000, D50 Lab: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

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    That is what Graeme said, 1º reading report values (non 0 but bellow threshold value), then request another reading (pre measurement) to calculate param values for next reading… but this returns 0. So it does not proceed to next attempt to read.

    Did you try spotread with “refresh mode” mode? “-v -D3 -e -y c” => verbose, debug, emisive, CRT/refresh mode
    or play with
    -Y r|n Override refresh, non-refresh display mode
    -Y R:rate Override measured refresh rate with rate Hz

    If LightIllusion guys got it working in revA models with no AIO command, maybe instead of calculating that 2nd param in an automatic way (pre measurement) they’re puting some hardcoded/configuration value to 2nd actual attempt for reading… but since their code is closed we do no know.


    Kuba Trybowski
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    Did you try spotread with “refresh mode” mode? “-v -D3 -e -y c” => verbose, debug, emisive, CRT/refresh mode

    Yes, and it helped with 38 0 0:


    -Y r|n Override refresh, non-refresh display mode

    This one didn’t work at all.

    -Y R:rate Override measured refresh rate with rate Hz

    This one didn’t help:

    Result is XYZ: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000, D50 Lab: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000


    Kuba Trybowski
    • Offline

    I verified my current profile using the “Refresh” instrument mode (I attached the report) and this time the 38 0 0 patch was read correctly.

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find the right settings for the 26 0 0 patch using spoteread. All the commands provided by Vincet failed.

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    Hi Kuba, did you ever mess with mailing lists? I’m old enough to remember all open source working happening mailing lists only 🙂
    I’m guessing Graeme may be old school as he prefers a mailing list. But he is there, he is listening and responding.

    Would you like to make contact with him?

    http://www.argyllcms.com/mailinglist.html links to https://www.freelists.org/list/argyllcms
    Think you put your email into the 2nd page and respond to one test email and you’re subscribed
    Then you can send emails to Email and the emails will go to Graeme and everybody subscribed

    Make sure to be checking your spam folder, somehow I noticed the emails were falling there for me intially
    In fact I have registered a new email address to subscribe a few days ago, but I suppose you cold use your main one too
    You’ll need to setup some rules to move mails to a folder I think
    It is not difficult to unsubscrube either

    Here’s an archive of the said mailing list: https://www.freelists.org/archive/argyllcms
    Sadly formatting of emails on the archive is sometimes messed up and it is difficult to read them
    If you look at January https://www.freelists.org/archive/argyllcms/01-2023 you will see me sending emails there and mentioning your problem too

    I think it might be beneficial if you spent some time emailing with Graeme, if you told him what you see and tried what he suggests. Who knows, maybe we shall see an improvement in Argyll as a result

    It is my impression that Graeme has not implemented anything related to AIO (all in one, frequency and period combined) because he had no solid proof any improvement in Argyll was needed. And indeed, until Kuba came along we had only one report of trouble, from Raymond. And that could potentially be a faulty i1d3.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.

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    I think it might be beneficial if you spent some time emailing with Graeme, if you told him what you see and tried what he suggests. Who knows, maybe we shall see an improvement in Argyll as a result

    It is my impression that Graeme has not implemented anything related to AIO (all in one, frequency and period combined) because he had no solid proof any improvement in Argyll was needed. And indeed, until Kuba came along we had only one report of trouble, from Raymond. And that could potentially be a faulty i1d3.



    Kuba Trybowski
    • Offline

    I just sent an e-mail to Mr.  Gill.

    I will report back once I know something.

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