DisplayCAL is dead, time to move on, what alternative you choosed?

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    Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
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    I’m planning to get in touch with Florian Höch in near future and ask if he wants share his private repo with me, so I can (or try to) include his changes. But, DisplayCAL-py3 project is in good shape now, and profiling and installing the created profile is working now.

    I need it to be tested by as many prople ss possible, so I can find the bugs.


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    I think the concern was about the source code not being the latest. On another forum, Florian mentioned having a private repo and doing work there.

    SourceForge hasn’t been the place where DisplayCAL code development happens for over a year now. I moved to a different (currently private) repo.

    ( discuss pixls us/t/rip-displaycal/21775/75 )

    It IS possible to fork from public v3.8.9.3, but probably inefficient. Who knows what progress Florian already made on his private fork?

    Anyway, it doesn’t matter now. Seems the community fork is already underway

    But the latest release is from 2019, so any work he did after that is not available period, so it’s not really “missing” and the source code is the “latest” as far as releases go.

    In fact there are a few commits from him in 2020 in the sourceforge repo, so there are some changes that are there that are not even in the release.


    Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
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    In my repository the last commit from Florian dates to 14 Jan 2020, so I got those changes. By the way my version  should use a different version number than “”. But I’m not sure to call it “” or “”. Could be called “” because it is not compatible to run with Python2.x anymore.


    Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
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    I’ve updated the README on my GitHub repository to clarify that it is based on the 5 extra commits Florian has created after the release on 14 Jan 2020.


    Raj S
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    Actually, you’re right. Florian’s private repo SHOULD be out of the question. See these posts:

    Florian – Dec 2020: (Post #75)

    Move to python3 is only part of the ongoing work (can’t say more sorry). It will happen eventually, but on my schedule, not anyone elses (that should go without mention).

    Graeme Gill – Dec 2020: (Post #87)

    As a lone developer, deprecation of API’s and other sub-systems is one of the most depressing and frustrating things. A large company may have the resources to keep re-writing code over and over again, but for an individual it’s a lot of tedious work for no return.

    Posted on – discuss pixls us/t/rip-displaycal/21775

    Florian wanted to be the only one to port the code. But at the same time, it’s too depressing and frustrating for just one person to do. Clearly it didn’t work out.

    Update: Forgot to mention Graeme is the ArgyllCMS dev, and also Florian’s friend. He started posting when Florian stopped responding. So whatever Graeme says IS important.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Raj S.

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    I highly doubt DisplayCal is dead.

    But even if it is, it and Argyll and just insanely great programs, with incredible developers and communities.

    Rarely have I encountered products from which I’ve learned so much with such great thought and support. Just amazing stuff which I hugely appreciate and feel thankful to have encountered.

    As to anyone who feels gripey… just go back to the SW that comes with your instrument. There’s no comparison….

    But more to the point, DisplayCal is still online, people are still paying to support the distribution, it still works in most cases, it’s still incredibly useful, and you can still learn more from using it than all the instrument makers SW combined.

    So gripers, with all goodwill: PISS OFF!

    Over and out


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    I highly doubt DisplayCal is dead.

    All signs point to the contrary. Yes, Displaycal and Argyll are great, nobody is arguing otherwise. And while Displaycal still works in many cases, in some prominent ones it does not; notably on Linux. And who can say how long it will keep working on other systems, without maintenance. That maintenance seems to finally be happening, thankfully.

    So gripers, with all goodwill: PISS OFF!

    Nobody is griping. Your antagonistic attitude is completely uncalled for, and contributes nothing to the discussion.


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    It works just fine in Linux…

    Just install Python 2.7


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    Just install Python 2.7


    As of January 1st, 2020 no new bug reports, fixes, or changes will be made to Python 2, and Python 2 is no longer supported.


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    An yet it still works just fine with existing Python 2 code and will pretty much indefinitely.

    Just because it’s not “supported” does mean it doesn’t work…

    Plus, DisplayCAL is already working in Python 3 if you really don’t want to use 2.


    If you look at the commit activity for that repo, I don’t know how you can say DisplayCAL is dead…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by SirMaster.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by SirMaster.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by SirMaster.

    Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
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    I welcome everybody to run the code, especially if they are under any Linux distribution: https://github.com/eoyilmaz/displaycal-py3

    I’m not alone anymore, there are brave people contributing the project, not only by developing it but also by testing the code, or writing about their feature requests etc.

    We are progressing on all OSes btw, Linux, Windows and MacOS (both Intel and Apple Silicon).

    Also, I started optimizing the code, so it runs faster, especially working around the DisplayCAL.Worker.generate_B2A_from_inverse_table() function. My next work will be around the C-Extension, which I believe is not needed especially under Linux (xrandr pretty much gives the same information), reducing the complexity of the code.

    There are tons of things that we can do. Heck, I even replaced the stuttering shutter animation that was catching my eyes for the last 5-6 years or so 🙂


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    Can you drop your email to me in PM?

    I have a non-profit org that embrace this project and you can then get access to our sponsor things (don’t know the English word for it) with our tools I’m hoping you can work easier on this project.

    you I’ll still be the owner of the project etc. we just need to publish it under our amberella and that you publish it under GNUv3 license.

    yes we are legit 🙂


    Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
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    Hey @rstolpe, the project license is already GNUv3 and my email address is eoyilmaz at gmail com.


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    I did send you a email earlier today 🙂


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    In essence it doesn’t matter if anyone upgrades to the newer version to which Erkan has done for the people interested. One just needs to update ArgyllCMS, although how do you tell the older version which what I and many are using to find the new ArgyIICMS files if one prefers the GUI for now ?

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