BENQ Sw2700pt ??

Home Forums Help and Support BENQ Sw2700pt ??

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  • #140325

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    You may try to interpolate to 1nm, expand CCSS range to match RGBLED CCSS rannge in nm, then rebuild the EDR with CCSS2EDR python tool (google) using as base CCSS the RGBLED.CCSS. just paste the interpolated and expanded spectral series data into RGBLED CCSS and rebuilt it to EDR binary, then replace in Palette Master.
    Palette Master Ultimate has a generic WLED PFS correction but older QLED models like yours still have no suitable correction.


    Old Man
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    What about the QLED correction in DisplayCAL?


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    Green moved to the right (P3), better try with a QLED from Asus like PA32UGG. But both are 3nm AFAIK, you’ll need to interpolate and extend to nm range in RGBLED CCSS.
    AFAIK some of the newer versions in ccss2edr do this auto bu i’ve not checked.

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