#9216 (Enhancement) Disable “Apply calibration (vcgt)” while creating 3D LUT for madVR by default?

+1 0

Closed as Rejected
Component: DisplayCAL
Created by boday

Last modified

I might be ignorant on this matter, but I think disable this option would be a better default behavior.

My reasoning is that if the 3D LUT has the vcgt “baked” in, madVR will need to reset the calibration curve when start playing a video, which will cause:

  1. A sudden change of color appearance of the screen, and a noticeable lag. Again, the reverse will happen when a video is finished playing and madVR is closed. This is suboptimal user experience;
  2. Incorrect color on rest of the screen when the videos is playing in window mode instead of full screen;
  3. Incorrect color on other screens on a multiple screen setup (the loader will reset calibration curves of all screens to linear, not just the one has video being played on).

It would be better if we just have the calibration curve loaded all the time, and for that, we should not have the vcgt applied to the 3D LUT.

Again, there might be good reasons you chose the current behavior as default that I’m unaware of, so please correct me if I’m wrong.


3 comments on “Disable “Apply calibration (vcgt)” while creating 3D LUT for madVR by default?”

  1. The reason for not applying the calibration through the video card gamma table is so it doesn’t introduce banding when the graphics card output bitdepth is limited (i.e. almost always) and/or it doesn’t apply dithering. When the calibration is part of the 3D LUT, madVR’s high quality dithering will be able to provide superior picture quality in practically all cases.

    Incorrect color on other screens on a multiple screen setup (the loader will reset calibration curves of all screens to linear, not just the one has video being played on).

    That is incorrect because it’s not the loader that resets the calibration, it’s madVR. In fact, unless you have configured windowed overlay in madVR’s rendering settings, the loader will disable itself when it detects madVR.

    1. I see…I guess it’s the same reason why some recommend using professional monitors that support hardware calibration, and do profiling only on the software level?

      Thanks for explaining. I think this ticket can be closed.

      1. I guess it’s the same reason why some recommend using professional monitors that support hardware calibration, and do profiling only on the software level?

        Yes, basically.

        Btw, if you don’t want madVR to touch the video card gamma tables, you can enable windowed overlay like I mentioned, although that has some drawbacks (i.e. only available with Intel or nVidia graphics hardware, D3D9 only, incompatible with full screen exclusive mode, not being able to take screenshots of the video, and the overlay being limited to one madVR instance).

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