#5759 (Bug) Spyder2 Instrument Access Failed (Communications failure) Windows 7

+1 0

Component: ArgyllCMS 1.9.2
Created by Bob R

Last modified

I recently upgraded my system board for an i7 860 Intel board to an i5 3570 on an MSI board. Device Manager shows the Spyder 2 on the Argyll driver. I have tried two different USB 2 ports. In all cases, the first step of Calibrate and profile throws an error.

The debug detailed log and the combined logs are attached. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Roosth-DisplayCAL (text/plain | 2017-02-01 01:41:37)
DisplayCAL-logs (application/x-gzip | 2017-02-01 01:41:37)

One comment on “Spyder2 Instrument Access Failed (Communications failure) Windows 7”

  1. Try remove Spyder from Device Manager and install driver in DisplayCal.

    Tools/ Instrument / Install AgryllCMS….

    and check Tools/ Instrument / Enable Spyder 2…

    After  it , conect Spyder 2 and run Tools / Detect display devices….

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