novideo_srgb: GPU-side LUT-Matrix-LUT calibration

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    S Simeonov
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    How can I use novideo_srgb with madvr at the same time, without the desaturation it gives in madvr? To get correct 3dlut displaying in madvr I have to disable the clamp in novideo_srgb each time I’m playing a movie in madvr.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by S Simeonov.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by S Simeonov.

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    Making a 3D Lut with novideo_srgb clamp enabled doesn’t help?


    S Simeonov
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    It only supports icm color profiles. 3dluts are used with dwm_lut only…


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    How can I use novideo_srgb with madvr at the same time, without the desaturation it gives in madvr? To get correct 3dlut displaying in madvr I have to disable the clamp in novideo_srgb each time I’m playing a movie in madvr.

    It is working as it should.

    madVR maps “display colorspace (by ICM)” -> Rec709.

    novideo sRGB maps “display colorspace (by ICM)” -> sRGB.

    You are chaining it (twice) since novideo_srgb is applied globally. You’ll need to rebuild a Resolve LUT3D (GUI only) or madVR LUT3D and use as destination whatever you are simulating globally.


    S Simeonov
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    How can I use novideo_srgb with madvr at the same time, without the desaturation it gives in madvr? To get correct 3dlut displaying in madvr I have to disable the clamp in novideo_srgb each time I’m playing a movie in madvr.

    You are chaining it (twice) since novideo_srgb is applied globally. You’ll need to rebuild a Resolve LUT3D (GUI only) or madVR LUT3D and use as destination whatever you are simulating globally.

    Any tips how to do that?


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    How can I use novideo_srgb with madvr at the same time, without the desaturation it gives in madvr? To get correct 3dlut displaying in madvr I have to disable the clamp in novideo_srgb each time I’m playing a movie in madvr.

    You are chaining it (twice) since novideo_srgb is applied globally. You’ll need to rebuild a Resolve LUT3D (GUI only) or madVR LUT3D and use as destination whatever you are simulating globally.

    Any tips how to do that?

    Do what?

    I’ll put an example. Let0s say that I have a monitor with adobeRGB green and P3 red, like those CG from Eizo, coverage for both AdoberGB and P3, or almost 99%.

    -I want to simulate a mac display in novidoe sRGB_globally. I calibarte & profile in Dsisplaycal, native gamut, tehn on novideo_sRGB I simulate DisplayP3. I set DisplayP3 as default ICC profile in OS.
    -if I wanted to create a rec709 simulation for madVR taht would be valid while running that DisplayP3 simulation, I have 2 choices
    a ) assume perfect simulation from novideo_sRGB : create LUT3D for MadVR rec709 -> DisplayP3
    b) assume non perfect simulation, so while novideoRGB simulation active profile display (no calibration, just profile), then LUT3D for madVR : rec709 -> “new custom ICC near DisplayP3”

    I used DisplayP3 as global simulation to ensure the difference from your typical setup (sRGB) so you can see the steps.

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Vincent.
    • This reply was modified 7 months, 3 weeks ago by Vincent.

    S Simeonov
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    It doesn’t work correctly tho. It still applies gamma 2.2 + 2.4 from the 3dlut and desaturates.


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    It doesn’t work correctly tho. It still applies gamma 2.2 + 2.4 from the 3dlut and desaturates.

    IDNK what you mean. HDR ->SDR MAP? SDR-SDR? What is your actual gamma after novideosRGB? There is a lot of things you could have done wrong in the chain/pipeline and no data is provided.


    S Simeonov
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    The settings I’m using are these:


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    As explained here:

    Reply To: novideo_srgb: GPU-side LUT-Matrix-LUT calibration

    you are doing it wrong. Once display is simulating sRGB, to that behavior you are appling a LUT3D from native gamut to rec709. You need to apply:

    -I want to simulate a mac display in novidoe sRGB_globally. I calibarte & profile in Dsisplaycal, native gamut, tehn on novideo_sRGB I simulate DisplayP3. I set DisplayP3 as default ICC profile in OS.
    -if I wanted to create a rec709 simulation for madVR taht would be valid while running that DisplayP3 simulation, I have 2 choices
    a ) assume perfect simulation from novideo_sRGB : create LUT3D for MadVR rec709 -> DisplayP3
    b) assume non perfect simulation, so while novideoRGB simulation active profile display (no calibration, just profile), then LUT3D for madVR : rec709 -> “new custom ICC near DisplayP3”

    I used DisplayP3 as global simulation to ensure the difference from your typical setup (sRGB) so you can see the steps.

    From Rec709 to simualted colorspace by novideosRGB (or DMWLUT)


    S Simeonov
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    Are these the correct settings?


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    No. Use standalone LUT3D creator, from Rec709 to “simulated colorspace by novideosRGB” (or DMWLUT)


    S Simeonov
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    Like this? What about gamma? The main reason I’m aksing this is because i use 3dlut for madvr, I have made 2 separate calibrations in windows 1-for windows d65, 90 nits, 2.2 relative gamma 100% boo, and one for madvr d65, 2.4 gamma relative 100% boo.


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    No, read all again. from Rec709 to “simulated colorspace by novideosRGB”


    S Simeonov
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    No, read all again. from Rec709 to “simulated colorspace by novideosRGB”


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