novideo_srgb: GPU-side LUT-Matrix-LUT calibration

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    A great utility, thanks! I was wondering, though – any plans of adding some kind of command line control? I have to switch back and forth quite frequently because of the non-ideal HDR implementation on my monitor (and the fact the clamp affects HDR mode, which already has correct colors by default, so it just desaturates it further) and I thought it would be great if the switching could be automated in some way by writing a script, a batch file, macro or something like that. Cheers.

    Second to that, love the tool, but manually switching between clamp for games / iCC for graphics work is a pain in the ass. Arguments would be nice, integration with displayCAL Profile loader would be even better.


    S Simeonov
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    I’m wondering when I’m using my displaycal profile, should I select “calibrate gamma to relative 2.2 100% boo”, or the gamma is stored in the profile?


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    Will this give equal accurate results similar to a full 3D LUT program like DWM LUT GUI?


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    I’m wondering when I’m using my displaycal profile, should I select “calibrate gamma to relative 2.2 100% boo”, or the gamma is stored in the profile?

    You don’t need to match anything, the correct output is calculated automatically in novideo_srgb. You can for example select Display-P3 gamma 2.4, and later change to sRGB gamma 2.2 and it will all have the same accuracy. Basically novideo_srgb uses “the ingredients” in your profile, not the final dish.

    Will this give equal accurate results similar to a full 3D LUT program like DWM LUT GUI?

    If your source profile uses 3x curves+matrix or single curve +matrix, the answer is yes. If your source profile uses XYZLUT, the answer is no.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by MW.

    S Simeonov
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    Isn’t XYZLUT+Matrix a better icm profile than 3 x curves+matrix?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by S Simeonov.

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    If your source profile uses 3x curves+matrix or single curve +matrix, the answer is yes. If your source profile uses XYZLUT, the answer is no.

    Very interesting. Can you please elaborate a bit more on the differences and explain why and how much XYZLUT is worse?


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    Very interesting. Can you please elaborate a bit more on the differences and explain why and how much XYZLUT is worse?

    XYZLUT shouldn’t be worse. It should actually be better then matrix because it’s a full 3D LUT

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by EP98.

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    Isn’t XYZLUT+Matrix a better icm profile than 3 x curves+matrix?

    If your source profile uses 3x curves+matrix or single curve +matrix, the answer is yes. If your source profile uses XYZLUT, the answer is no.

    Very interesting. Can you please elaborate a bit more on the differences and explain why and how much XYZLUT is worse?

    You are reading it in the wrong direction. He is saying that ***novideo_SRGB*** cannot give you accuracy akin to DWMLUT if you use  as display Profile XYZLUT on both apps because lut-matrix-lut HW cannot use the detailed 3D mesh in such profile, only the matrix idealization (3 primaries) of such mesh.

    Accuracy issue is on novideosRGB (actually the underlying GPU HW), not in profile.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Vincent.

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    Isn’t XYZLUT+Matrix a better icm profile than 3 x curves+matrix?

    Technically yes. Run measurement reports. If the display is any good, probably the difference will be too small to matter.


    S Simeonov
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    What color profile I need to add in windows color management when using novideo_srgb? sRGB?


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    Same as in DWMLUT, the colorspace you are simulating.


    S Simeonov
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    Same as in DWMLUT, the colorspace you are simulating.

    Thank you, Vincent.


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    novideo_sRGB using nvidia’s lut-matrix-lut should use separate HW than 1dlut LUT for grey but better ask LeDoge, hence loading a standard profile or one with linear VCGT as default display profile should make no change, but ask him.


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    Is novideo_srgb a suitable replacement for DisplayCal in terms of applying an ICC profile?

    In other words, could I have DisplayCal generate a profile using a colorimeter, export it, delete DisplayCal, and then simply use this app instead?


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    Is novideo_srgb a suitable replacement for DisplayCal in terms of applying an ICC profile?

    In other words, could I have DisplayCal generate a profile using a colorimeter, export it, delete DisplayCal, and then simply use this app instead?

    For me it has replaced DisplaCal profile loader. I edit for sRGB and 3xCurves+Matrix is accurate enough for my display.

    For you the answer is unknown to me. It depends on what you are using DisplayCal for. I’m assuming your question is a hypothetical that the display stays constant during it’s life but in reality you should recalibrate periodically.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by MW.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by MW.
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