Issues with interactive display Adjustment

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  • #7479

    Connor Mcleod
    • Offline

    Hello all,

    I am having an issue with displayCAL V3.3.1. I am running windows 10 Pro x64 and using a datacolor Spyder 5 instrument. I originally downloaded the Datacolor calibration software but was not impressed and found my way here. I have installed displayCAL and installed the ARGYLL drivers required to recognize the device. I am setting the displayCAL settings to Default (gamma 2.2) but have also tried the photo setting (as I am using this for photography). The rest of the settings are left at default. When i launch the calibrate &profile button and then select “start measurement” it loads the Interactive display management and states that it is “setting up instrument, please wait”. It will then flash through 4 colors over the course of 1-2 minutes (white, grey, black, and dark dark grey) before closing out of the window and issuing the error(?) in the attached screenshot. I have reinstalled the software and all drivers with no change. The same thing also happens wether the instrument is on the screen or not. While it is “setting up intrument” you cannot click either of the boxes that state “start calibration” or “continue on to calibration”.

    The logs from the program are listed below. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. **some file paths/profile names have been removed from the logs intentionally

    <hr />

    20:44:15,381 ArgyllCMS 1.9.2
    20:44:15,382 …ok.
    20:44:15,855 Checking video card gamma table access for display 1…
    20:44:16,167 Verify: ‘’ IS loaded (discrepancy 0.0%)
    20:44:16,259 …ok.
    20:44:16,259 Initializing GUI…
    20:44:19,494 …ok.
    20:44:19,499 Ready.
    20:44:19,760 Setting up scripting host at
    20:44:20,010 Check for application update…
    20:44:20,334 DisplayCAL is up-to-date.
    20:44:20,669 ArgyllCMS is up-to-date.
    20:44:31,805 ——————————————————————————–
    20:44:31,805 Calibrate & profile
    20:44:33,576 Detecting output levels range…
    20:44:33,585 ——————————————————————————–
    20:44:33,585 Session log: 0_16
    20:44:33,592 Working directory:
    20:44:33,595 c:\
    20:44:33,595 %removed%\
    20:44:33,596 %removed%\
    20:44:33,598 appdata\
    20:44:33,598 local\
    20:44:33,598 temp\
    20:44:33,598 DisplayCAL-glfi1x\
    20:44:33,601 Command line:
    20:44:33,601 dispread.exe
    20:44:33,602 -v
    20:44:33,604 -k
    20:44:33,605 “C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayCAL\”
    20:44:33,605 -d1
    20:44:33,607 -c1
    20:44:33,608 -yn
    20:44:33,608 “-P0.521080368906,0.619658119658,1.8686440678”
    20:44:33,609 0_16
    20:44:34,523 DisplayCAL: Starting interaction with subprocess
    20:44:34,565 Number of patches = 3
    20:44:34,573 Setting up the instrument
    20:44:35,147 Instrument Type: Datacolor Spyder5
    20:44:35,151 Serial Number: %removed%
    20:44:35,154 Hardware version: 0x0a0f
    20:44:35,440 Place instrument on test window.
    20:44:35,453 DisplayCAL: Waiting for send buffer
    20:44:36,944 DisplayCAL: Skipping place instrument on screen message…
    20:44:36,966 DisplayCAL: Sending buffer: ‘ ‘
    20:44:36,976 Hit Esc or Q to give up, any other key to continue:
    20:45:37,091 Patch 3 of 3
    20:45:37,095 The instrument can be removed from the screen.
    20:45:37,121 Written ‘0_16.ti3’
    20:45:37,232 DisplayCAL: Reached EOF (OK)
    20:45:37,288 DATA entries take exactly 7 values (5 given)

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    Connor Mcleod
    • Offline

    Please remove/close this post. You think being in IT that I would have checked the obvious things….guess not. The bottom cover was still on the Spyder….I thought it looked abit thick to be able to sense any colors…..turns out I was absolutely correct because light wont pass through 1/16th inch black plastic. Sorry for the noise, hope it at least gives someone a good laugh =-)


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Don’t worry about it, this happens to the best of us 😉

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