Help improving 3dlut with i1d2 on LCD display

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    Carlos Lerner Battagliese
    • Offline

    Hi florian and everyone, I have an old i1d2 and don t have acess to other calibatror, my tv is cheaper hdtv brand from Brasil with led backlight, the display is soryo

    I m have a very limited setup because on tv menu  I don t have any backlight slider and don t have rgb sliders only brightness contrast sharpen and color

    theres also a temperature option: cool, normal and hot

    The thing is i don t have any correction matrix for this screen and i1d2 its known to be very imprecise with led backlights

    the temperature measured is very fair from what edid and data sheet says

    when i calibrate and made a 3dlut I have the set to native white point to have a descent result also If use absolute with white… i aways have a weird result with some sort of green tint over the picture… the best intent for me is relative

    If I set temperature for normal in tv I get some good luts  but dispcal says the gamut is smaller than srgb like 93% also uncalibrate reports a gamma of 1.9

    if I set temperature as hot on tv dispcal give me a Gama of 2.2 on report and after calibration 99.9 % srgb

    but in hot the lut verification shows a very large not oks list and very oscilating gamma… also the lut seens undersaturated….

    theres a way tô I improve my luts in this situation? I tried to made a correction with the edid values and this way I get a good Absolut with white point… result but still see a lot of banding…

    Do someone have a suggestion?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    If I set temperature for normal in tv I get some good luts but dispcal says the gamut is smaller than srgb like 93% also uncalibrate reports a gamma of 1.9

    It is fairly normal for a TV to have a gamut that’s around 90-95% coverage. Also, to verify the 3D LUT, you have to use the “Verification” tab and set it up accordingly. Menu “Tools”, “Report on uncalibrated display” ignores the 3D LUT.


    Carlos Lerner Battagliese
    • Offline

    Yes I know this… the sentence I wrote was confuse

    i was  saying that uncalibated gamma reported as 1.9 but I think is incorreted measured because i1d2 have some issues with led displays

    i have some oks on verification but I still see a lot of banding… specially on shadows with darker colors like skin under shadows and dark areas…

    is there something that I could  do to improve my lut quality doe the i1d2 limitations?


    Carlos Lerner Battagliese
    • Offline

    Its hard because i really don t know how much i1d2 is wrong reading my white… wrong temperature reading should affect gamma readings too? So affects all calibration process?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    i was saying that uncalibated gamma reported as 1.9 but I think is incorreted measured because i1d2 have some issues with led displays

    I don’t think so. To calculate gamma, only luminance is needed.

    i have some oks on verification but I still see a lot of banding… specially on shadows with darker colors like skin under shadows and dark areas…

    Attach the measurement report and profile please.

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