EDR to CCSS, Testchart CSV export/support 16-255

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    I have an EDR correlation file and I want to use it with DisplayCal, is it possible to convert it to a correction that DisplayCal supports?

    In addition, i would like to make a custom Test chart for profiling with 16-255.

    Is it possible to Export an extended (16-255) CSV file from Test chart editor ?

    or do I need to edit every patch color manually?

    any other tools to sort and generate color patches?

    Is it possible for DisplayCal to Profile a display with Extended Range (16-255)?


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    How to define what is the best value for the “Override display update delay”?

    Should I use the info from the “Measured display update delay of 222 msec using delay of 396 msec” and use the 396 +200 = ~600.. for the next profiling?

    After the end of the profiling, what the Profile self check DE*76: average, maximum and RMS… numbers mean?

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.
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    For adjusting the whitepoint, for having the biggest possible dynamic range, should we adjust only the 2 channels (with the highest luminance) leaving always the channel with the lowest luminance, unchanged at the default setting?

    With manual calibration, some say that we need to be always below 0.3290, otherwise their is big chances that the white is a greenish. And it’s better to be a little bit blueish than redish or greenish, since that our eyes are more sensitive to red and green than blue. Is this also valid for making a 3DLUT? or should we only care about the lowest dE from the interactive display adjustment window?

    For the Full Field Pattern Insertion, for displaying one color patch and then insert one Full Field Pattern the correct setting is:

    interval: 1s, duration: 0.5s and level 15% (assuming this is a light grey)?

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.
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    I dont think you need to worry about Overide display update delay.   You do not have anything but monitor and a video out?  Extra delay could come from test pattern generator.   What are useing for the test pattern generator?  There is a edr to ccss converter.   Its in the installation manual.

    Edit the built in profiles using display cal to make a 16 to 255.   It should be 0 to 255 checked if using a pc with ycbcr hdmi output to display.  16 would be if your black level do not match.   I do not know all the answers to post 1.

    Adjusting tv RGB gains only effects the dynamic range.   Check your rgb gains and see if it clips whites, reds, blues or greens.   Its easyer to set white point in HCFR. It is best to use contrast to stop clipping.  But for to push contrast to the max you can use contrast and rgb gains.  It will not be as accurate though.   Contrast effects my 20 point white controls so its good to not use contrast alone for me.

    The way you calibrate is up to your equipment and hardware.   I think there is more than one way.   I am not a expert.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Ben.

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    I have an EDR correlation file and I want to use it with DisplayCal, is it possible to convert it to a correction that DisplayCal supports?

    ArgyllCMS oeminst app.


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    thank you for the answer Ben!

    My set up is 3 monitors (a cheap WOLED as a reference) and 1 GUI.

    I use Decklink for the WOLED and Resolve as TPG.

    Settings > Video 3D LUT for Resolve

    the default Override display update delay is 1000 ms and since that I will use 3000 or 5000 patches, (that takes many hours)  I need to know if I can lower the delay, so that the profiling hours will be minimised, but without messing the measurements.

    Is there a way to use PGenerator with DisplayCal?

    As for the edr to ccss converter, I just found this post

    .EDR to .CCSS conversion

    The WOLED is set 10bit RGB 4:4:4 (PC icon on the HDMI edit)

    and the Range is set to Limited (16-235)

    Resolve is set to 4:4:4, Full Range (0-255)

    it may be easier if I export a CSV 0-255 (unfortunately there is no options for 16-235 or 16-255) from the Test Chart editor and edit it on Excel/Libre office. it will be quicker to replace all 0 to 16.

    But I’m curious if there is any other program for generating and sorting color patches based on the Luma/Lightness as the test chart editor does.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.
    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.

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    What is a GUI?   Im not sure what settings use for Resolve. I cannot help with something I would not know about.   I would spend time researching it.   Maybe you can find a guide.

    Not sure there is a way to use pgenerator with displaycal.  Finally found a way.  https://hub.displaycal.net/forums/topic/support-for-pgenerator/


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    What is a GUI?   Im not sure what settings use for Resolve. I cannot help with something I would not know about.   I would spend time researching it.   Maybe you can find a guide.

    Not sure there is a way to use pgenerator with displaycal.  Finally found a way.  https://hub.displaycal.net/forums/topic/support-for-pgenerator/

    graphical user interface (GUI)

    Thanks for the link Ben. I will try Pgen asap, although I use a decklink that bypass the GPU so the measurement are accurate, its good to have support for PGen for double checking the results.

    this is the guide

    3D LUT creation workflow for Resolve

    OLED panel,  suffers from temperature drift, so I would like a tool/script to generate and sort color patches.

    Test chart editors can sort the patches to maximize luma difference, yielding optimal results. However, the current sorting places all black patches at the beginning without evenly distributing them, leading to unstable panel temperatures. Consequently, the initial patches make the panel too cold and then the panel gradually heat up.

    Also I need extended range 16-255 and by deleting  all the patches below 15 (or make them 16) isn’t working, so I need something that generates Legal, Full and Extended range patch and not only Full range that the test chart generates.

    Also I didn’t figure out how to add triplets from a CSV to Test Chart editor so that patches also be sorted and not copy/paste them at the last line of the CSV list.

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.

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    Profiling Complete!

    Profile self check DE*76: average 0.33, maximum 1.45 RMS 0.40

    1. how exactly this self check works and what useful informations give us?
    2. what is RMS?
    3. can we change the old DE*76 to a more modern DE like DE*00?

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    Profiling Complete!

    Profile self check DE*76: average 0.33, maximum 1.45 RMS 0.40

    1. how exactly this self check works and what useful informations give us?

    TI3 file used to create profile vs color coordinates predicted by ICC profile. Givs a hint of how good profile (idealization) fits measured scattered data

    1. what is RMS?

    root mean square

    1. can we change the old DE*76 to a more modern DE like DE*00?

    by formula or measuring again. DE76 is euclidean distance in CIE L*a*b*

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