.EDR to .CCSS conversion

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    Hi, I’m trying to figure out how to convert .EDR to .CCSS. Is there a step by step tutorial anywhere?


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    I would appreciate if anybody could convert this file to .ccss for me, please.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Eli38.
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    That file may be part of Xrite’s or HP’s intellectual property.
    I think that is not safe to upload it here…

    Regarding your 1st message. just look in ArgyllCMS documentation:

    BTW a W-LED PFS phosphor spectral power distribution (the one you name) looks like this:

    A GB-LED is more or less equivalent in blue & green but red has a very thick hill with a smooth slope instead of those narrow spikes.
    A P3 LED monitor like iMacs or those gaming monitors are more or less like this graph but green is “moved” (no AdobeRGB). They use the same PFS phosphor red.

    An i1Pro2 with Xrite driver (10nm) cannot read those PFS phosphor spikes you see… they are too narrow. With ArgyllCMS 3nm driver you may be able to measure 2 but with errors in the valleys between them. PFS phosphor technology is not very friendly to graphic arts spectrophotometers…. you may need something better to measure it like it is shown on this graph, something MORE expensive.
    i1D3 + vendor/community corrections seems to me the sensible choice.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Vincent.

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    Vincent, sorry abot that and thanks for the info. Unfortunately, I already tried  oeminst link and I couldn’t figure out how to write a propper command, therefore I thought someone must have done it already and I should ask.


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    Just feed oeminst with EDR file path. CCSS file will be in AppData\Roaming\ArgyllCMS in your user’s folder (Win)


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    Just tried this in the command line

    C:\Users\PC>oeminst infile.[C:\Users\PC\HP_DreamColor_Z24x_NewPanel.edr]
    ‘oeminst’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Can’t really tell if my code is wrong or oeminst didn’t install right…


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    Basic knowledge of command line and paths is required to use a command line app.
    If you google these words you’ll find a lot of tutorials as “text” or as a youtube videos.


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    I got that part figured. Right now I’m not sure what to pick under the MODE option. There is LCD (generic) and Refresh(generic). Some Youtube videos show way more options but since I’m using HP correction, I’m not sure…

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    CCSS set that option for you (it’s written in it). It is not important but if CCSS conversion set the wrong value (refresh, YES) set it to the right value (NO)… or just use it as is without modification.


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    Here’s my comment which may be helpful because I’ve lost couple of days before got success in converting ccss to edr:
    I recommend newer version of script (with more display types) from: https://github.com/mironovd/ccss2edr
    Install python-2.7.9.msi with checked option “Add python.exe to path”. Script doesn’t work with python3 and probably with other versions then 2.7.9 too.
    Copy ccss2edr folder to disk and modify ccss2edr.py by removing dots in:
    from .cgats import CGATS
    from .edr import (
    lines to obtain
    from cgats import CGATS
    from edr import (
    Copy for example crt.ccss file to script folder and then execute conversion in cmd: python ccss2edr.py –tech-type 2 crt.ccss crt.edr (–tech-type number you can find in edr.py file).


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    I had problems getting the above ccss2edr tool to work due to various incompatibilities

    This version worked straight off for me: https://github.com/aron7awol/ccss2edr


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    I had problems getting the above ccss2edr tool to work due to various incompatibilities

    This version worked straight off for me: https://github.com/aron7awol/ccss2edr

    AFAIK Xrite SDK expects 1nm data… hence 3nm CCSS to EDR won’t work as expected, it may even failsafe to standard CMFs in i1d3 (no correction at all)
    You’ll need to interpolate 3nm CCSS to 1nm CCSS first, then you can convert to EDR.


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    I had problems getting the above ccss2edr tool to work due to various incompatibilities

    This version worked straight off for me: https://github.com/aron7awol/ccss2edr

    AFAIK Xrite SDK expects 1nm data… hence 3nm CCSS to EDR won’t work as expected, it may even failsafe to standard CMFs in i1d3 (no correction at all)
    You’ll need to interpolate 3nm CCSS to 1nm CCSS first, then you can convert to EDR.

    According to the author, this one does exactly that: https://www.avsforum.com/threads/spectral-corrections-ccss-edr-sharing-tools-analysis.3268914/


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    I had problems getting the above ccss2edr tool to work due to various incompatibilities

    This version worked straight off for me: https://github.com/aron7awol/ccss2edr

    AFAIK Xrite SDK expects 1nm data… hence 3nm CCSS to EDR won’t work as expected, it may even failsafe to standard CMFs in i1d3 (no correction at all)
    You’ll need to interpolate 3nm CCSS to 1nm CCSS first, then you can convert to EDR.

    According to the author, this one does exactly that: https://www.avsforum.com/threads/spectral-corrections-ccss-edr-sharing-tools-analysis.3268914/

    Great news, I used the old tool, not newer one:

    The first tool is a fork of ccss2edr which interpolates to 1nm using the CIE recommended Sprague (1880) method, so that we can create working EDR files measured using the ArgyllCMS 3.3nm HiRes mode on i1Pro2/3 spectros

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