Basic Questions for iMac 2017 / Colormunki Display

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    (I mistakenly posted this in the general section, I don’t see any way to delete that post which is awaiting moderation. )

    I’ve used display cal for a little bit with a spyder 4 (probably with the wrong settings) but I just picked up a new colormunki display and I’d like to get things right. I’m trying calibrate my iMac 2017 5k display and I have some basic questions:

    (1) Under corrections, I should be setting display cal to “LCD RG Phosphor” ?

    (2) Once I set the correction, mode is automatically set to LCD (generic). Is that correct?

    (3) I can download color corrections from that seem to be specific to 2017 iMacs / colormunki. However, how do I know if the correction is actually helping? how can I choose between multiple correction files that have been uploaded?

    (4) Is there a quality difference between XYZLUT vs single curve + matrix? and which should be preferred. I’m asking because I have the issue with blacks being crushed in Mac OS X and I understand that this may fix the issue.

    Thanks very much

    Calibrite Display SL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Florian Höch
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    Under corrections, I should be setting display cal to “LCD RG Phosphor” ?

    Yes, for the newer (2015 and later) iMacs, that should be correct.

    Once I set the correction, mode is automatically set to LCD (generic). Is that correct?


    I can download color corrections from https://colorimetercorrectio that seem to be specific to 2017 iMacs / colormunki. However, how do I know if the correction is actually helping? how can I choose between multiple correction files that have been uploaded?

    I would put more trust in the the spectral “LCD RG Phosphor” correction in this case.

    (4) Is there a quality difference between XYZLUT vs single curve + matrix? and which should be preferred

    Yes, the former is more accurate, but Apple software (including apps that come as part of macOS) cannot use it due to bugs in macOS. If you don’t care about that (e.g. you’re only using Adobe apps or other 3rd party apps that implement their own color management), you can set profile type to XYZ LUT, otherwise you should keep the DisplayCAL macOS-specific default (single curve + matrix).


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    Thanks for the feedback. much appreciated


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    Under corrections, I should be setting display cal to “LCD RG Phosphor” ?

    Yes, for the newer (2015 and later) iMacs, that should be correct.

    Once I set the correction, mode is automatically set to LCD (generic). Is that correct?


    I can download color corrections from https://colorimetercorrectio that seem to be specific to 2017 iMacs / colormunki. However, how do I know if the correction is actually helping? how can I choose between multiple correction files that have been uploaded?

    I would put more trust in the the spectral “LCD RG Phosphor” correction in this case.

    Xrite updated bundled EDRs in i1Profiler 1.8.0.

    There is a new one for W-LED PFS phosphor “P3” displays called Panasonic Vxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 1nm resolution as usual.

    P3 Apple displays spectral power distribution are extremely close to this one …but there is a very small “toe” in shorter wavelengths in green channel that limits slightly gamut for sample display measured in  that EDR, like in 95% P3 monitors. Apple P3 displays CCSSs from your colorimeter database do not show that “left toe”, so they have a little more saturated green, hance the claims made by Apple for a 99-100% P3 Display.

    I would use that one now that is “public” (bundled in i1Profiler)

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