#10821 (Bug) OBS: Ubuntu 16.04: uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)

+1 0

Component: DisplayCAL
Created by romplx

Last modified

When adding OBS Ubuntu 16.04 repository, apt warns that the repo uses SHA1 for encryption. The repo works, but this message appears every time you  issue apt-get update:

W: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/fhoech/xUbuntu_16.04/Release.gpg: Signature by key 16B2D5A8C8B89785C1A93E67405899B3DAE4169B uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)

5 comments on “OBS: Ubuntu 16.04: uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)”

  1. It’s just a warning, but not something I can change as the repo is provided by openSUSE Build Service. You may report this upstream for the openSUSE project against the BuildService component.

  2. According to  https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-sign/issues/5 , you have to switch from default RSA to DSA keys …

    Creating a new key can be done with: osc signkey --create home:youruser:project
     You users will have to import the new key.
    Then you may want trigger a rebuild of that project to make sure that all alreasy existing packages are signed again with the new key.

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