Question on recent update

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  • #4580

    Steve Smith
    • Offline

    Hi Florian

    Thanks for the recent update!

    Question: In the notes you say that there will be a reduction in accuracy due to one of your changes… I am curious to know if this will affect my quality in the  way I calibrate. ie, 6500K, 2.2, 12,000patches. Plus using CIECAM02?

    Will there be any significant increases in quality due to the recent changes. (Based on the way I calibrate?)


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Steve Smith.

    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Question: In the notes you say that there will be a reduction in accuracy due to one of your changes… I am curious to know if this will affect my quality in the way I calibrate. ie, 6500K, 2.2, 12,000patches. Plus using CIECAM02?

    It only affects the very first slider step (i.e. when you set the testchart patches amount slider in “Auto” mode all the way to the left), and even then the impact may be negligible because at the same time grayscale neutrality may be better.

    Will there be any significant increases in quality due to the recent changes. (Based on the way I calibrate?)



    Steve Smith
    • Offline

    Thanks Florian.

    Could you please offer your opinion on something…

    When I calibrate\profile my HDTV I always seem to get a gamut result of about 95%, but I know that I can get more, but for the longest time I couldn’t figure out why it was coming out below 100% (Usually lacking in the blue\cyan, and slightly in the green… Then the other day it hit me! … I am always calibrating the TV manually to 6500K which greatly reduces the blue channel and some of the green! (Can’t believe it took me this long to figure this out) …. So I started to think, what about letting DisplayCAL create the 6500K condition and leave the TV alone, or maybe adjusting the TV half way and let DisplayCAL do the rest?

    Would this return my color gamut at the expense of some quality loss due to the Kelvin adjustment being done at the software level?

    Do you think this would be a reasonable trad-off, or do you think I would lose more than I would gain?

    Thanks a lot. 🙂


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    So I started to think, what about letting DisplayCAL create the 6500K condition and leave the TV alone, or maybe adjusting the TV half way and let DisplayCAL do the rest?

    Wether you adjust the display directly or via the videoLUTs doesn’t really matter – the same reduction in one of the channels will likely lead to the same reduction in gamut.


    Steve Smith
    • Offline

    I see, but what about the quality? (Banding, etc, ) Is it better to adjust the Kelvin in hardware or software? … Is there a quality difference?


    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Depends on which (and if) one of the adjustments works in a higher bit depth than the other.

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