Possible to use Color LUT for games on wide gamut monitor?

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    Gabriel Sagatun
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    I’ve tried creating a LUT profile in Displaycal and use it with reshade playing Cyberpunk to make sure the colors arent saturated, since games are limited to sRGB.
    I’ve gotten it to work almost (I think), but when loading the ColorLookupTable.fx I get “Warning x4717: type prefixes for annotations are deprecated and ignored” (Picture attached)
    In Reshade I’m not able to unable the C LUT except when toggling effects with F12 (it’s checked permanently).
    The picture looks more toned down with it enabled, but since there are errors, something must not be working correctly.
    The monitor I’m using and have calibrated is the AW2721D. I’ll attach the  ICC report and the LUT  settings I used when creating the LUT.

    I’m not sure how this works to be completely honest, but I’ve followed the steps in https://hub.displaycal.net/wiki/3d-luts-for-direct3d-and-opengl-applications-e-g-games-under-windows-using-reshade/ exactly, so I’m not sure what’s gone wrong. I’m using the newest version of Reshade, but have tried with an earlier version as well and that didn’t seem to help.
    Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂

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    Gabriel Sagatun
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    Now that I’m going over everything with a fine comb, I realise that I had Source colorspace set to Rec709. Should I change to DCI-P3/SMPTE-431-2-D65 maybe?


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    Now that I’m going over everything with a fine comb, I realise that I had Source colorspace set to Rec709. Should I change to DCI-P3/SMPTE-431-2-D65 maybe?

    Source is content colorspace. If your games RGB values are encoded for sRGB colorspace, your settings seem to be OK.
    I cannot help you with Reshade warnings.


    Gabriel Sagatun
    • Offline

    I understand. Thank you for the help!
    Trying out an earlier version of reshade actually did  fix those errors I was getting, thankfully.

    The “apply calibration (vcgt)”  should be enabled when making the LUT, right? Just making sure I’m not overlooking something important.
    And how “accurate” is using reshade with a C-LUT compared to actually having the screen calibrated/clamped to sRGB would you say?


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    I understand. Thank you for the help!
    Trying out an earlier version of reshade actually did  fix those errors I was getting, thankfully.

    The “apply calibration (vcgt)”  should be enabled when making the LUT, right? Just making sure I’m not overlooking something important.

    If the game or reshade clears GPU LUT with your current desktop calibration, yes. Otherwise no. I do not use Reshade, IDNK. Easy to test anyway, make a desktop GPU calibration & profile with a huge whitepoint correction in white whithout modifying OSD controls, all in GPU. Something like D50 white (yellowish white). Run game w/o reshade and see if white looks like in D50 desktop and that game does not clear it while playing. Keeps white? No VCGT in LUT3D.


    Gabriel Sagatun
    • Offline

    Great, I’ll do just that. Thank you.
    I chose D65 while calibrating, so as far as I understand that created a D1.

    I’ve read some forum threads over at Reshade, and figured out the easiest way is to simply reset gamma table before playing games, so as to not have it apply twice.

    I’m about to do a slower calibration though, based on the advice you gave me in my first thread to fix the greyscale.
    I’ll create one with a Matrix correction and another with Spectral, since I’m not sure which one is more accurate.
    Would you be willing to look over them once they’re finished, Vincent?

    Greatly appreciate your help with all this, as I know I can’t be the first one to ask these very basic questions on here.


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    I’ll create one with a Matrix correction and another with Spectral, since I’m not sure which one is more accurate.

    Unless you made that CCMX, do not use it. It was made for other display (which may share backlight type with yours) and other colorimeter (which may be slightly different than yours).
    CCSS was made for other display (which may share backlight type with yours)  and when i1d3 startups computes a specific matrix with firmware sensivity curves and CCSS data.

    CCSS (or binary equivalent EDR from Xrite) can be ported between i1d3 for same backlight.
    CCMX are useful to make a device match measurement from another device you call “reference”. If you do not have such reference device to make that CCMX by yourself don’t use it.

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Gabriel Sagatun
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    Alright, so safest bet is to use the spectral then? That’s what I’ll do.

    One thing I’m stuck on before hitting “calibrate” is how to fix black point.
    I’m attaching pictures of Whitepoint and Black point after adjusting the RGB and brightness in the OSD.
    If I change contrast and or/RGb values to get the black point in the middle, the whitepoint is then incorrect.
    Should I activate black point correction in the “Calibration menu” before hitting “Calibrate and profile” or should I just leave it as is?

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    Gabriel Sagatun
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    I started the calibration with the values set to the pictures above. I only changed the setting Whitepoint: Color temperature 6500k, to “as measured”. I read somewhere that would produce a better result with regards to the black point. I configured the screen in the OSD to 6514k with a luminance of 1.20 cd/m2 and chose low calibration speed and 2681 patches.

    I’ll post the measurement report after it finishes, if you would be so kind to take a look 🙂
    If I should have done something to the blackpoint before starting the calibration I will run another one untill I get it right.


    Gabriel Sagatun
    • Offline

    Measurement report:

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