Interactive display adjustment on Acer Predator XB271HU

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    I have 2 of these monitors and the second one I purchased was refurbished. That’s the one that’s giving me issues and has led me to buying the Spyder5Express and attempting to calibrate it with DisplayCal to attempt to correct the issue. The issue I am facing is that the monitor is showing a greenish/yellowish tint when set to the same settings and using the same ICC as my first monitor.

    Now that I am in the process of calibrating, I’ve successfully completed the first monitors’ calibration with no issues; however now I am hitting, what I’ve come to understand is referred to as a “clipping” issue apparently with the second monitor with the greenish/yellowish tint problem. No matter what settings I change –brightness, contrast or “6-axis color” (which is RGB + yellow, magenta and cyan)– None of the bars are moving to where I need to adjust them to.

    The closest I can get it to the white arrows is by veering away from the monitor control settings I copied from the first monitor and using a different temperature and contrast/brightness values. But from here I still cannot adjust the bars in any way when I change the values.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Interactive display adjustment


    Florian Höch
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    6-axis color is best left alone (at defaults). When you run into clipping with RGB gains, you have to lower instead of increase the channels (e.g. to increase red, lower green and blue, to increase blue, lower red and green and so on).


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    I figured it out.. I never knew how to get into the RGB gains menu.. it’s pretty tricky but I finally found it thanks. The problem now is that after I calibrated the troublesome monitor… it became more troublesome lol.. it now has some backlight bleed in the bottom right corner. Maybe that’s why it was returned before. Luckily I’m still in the return window and I can return it for free. I’m just going to buy a brand new one for peace of mind

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