Float divion by zero error

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    DisplayCal 3.3.2, MacBook Pro 10.12.5m Spyder5 Pro

    First time trying this software and the “Calibrate and Profile” button runs but gives this error

    ZeroDivisionError: Float division by zero

    Am trying to color calibrate my laptop monitor, MacBook Pro 15″ mid 2014.

    As far as I can tell, I’m using the default options for everything in DisplayCal

    Display: LCD @ 0,0 1440×900 (Primary), Instrument: Spyder5, Mode LCD (generic), Correction: auto (none)



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    Resolved…. you have to pop the back off the Spyder5 to expose the sensor… my bad.

    I guess the float division by 0 refers to the sensor not being able to read anything (black 0.0 perhaps)

    The error message should maybe say unable to read from sensor, or something like that.


    Florian Höch
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    The error message should maybe say unable to read from sensor, or something like that.

    If you provide me a log that pinpoints the exact location of the error, I can provide a better error message.


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    Sure, can do that… is there a log written to /tmp or somewhere?


    Florian Höch
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    See the documentation for logfiles location. I think i know where the check needs to happen, but it would be good to confirm.

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