Comparison of Cal Reports: X-rite vs DisplayCal

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    Hi Florian,

    We’ve discussed this before, and you added a helpful section about this to the FAQ. I’m back this time however with measurement reports comparing the profile generated with the X-rite Colormunki software vs the profile generated by DisplayCal. Could you take a look at both of them?

    To me they both look quite good, but I see a visual difference in the darker tones that isn’t indicated by the reports. The X-rite software’s profile appears darker across the board when active, particularly in the darker near-black tones. Even though the two reports are quite similar in the measured values of the lower end of the gamma curve, the X-rite profile is visibly darker. What would be the reason for this? Does it have something to do with the black output offset that DisplayCal applies? The DisplayCal profile appears brighter/lighter across the range of tones from black to white.

    The good news is, the white points match quite closely, as do the average DeltaE’s and even DeltaE’s for specific colors. I’m just puzzled how the gamma curves can be so similar when they are visibly different when each profile is applied on the monitor. Like I said I presume it has something to do with the black output offset in DisplayCal, and perhaps the X-rite software handling a non-zero black differently. I wanted to get your input though. Thanks!

    I’ve attached the profiles.

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    Been a few days, so bumping.

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