Can I get advice for my situation?

Home Forums Help and Support Can I get advice for my situation?

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  • #140415

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    I’m using dell u2713h and i1display pro (serial telling the manifacture is 2013)

    2713h almost gone 10y and i normally using 15-18hour in day.

    and displaycal’s Measurement tell me monitor is no more trust. so i buyed new one and this time it’s include bundle new oem i1d3 so i test in u2713h.

    It’s quiet suprise and i’m suffer fear cause as i know i1 is non organic filter so it’s can do more lifespan.But’s this report tell me diffrent and reddit tell me all kind of colormeter and spectrometer need to be recalibrate everyyear.

    And new monitor and new i1 is return now some fault isuue

    So i need solution. what i need now for trust view? my 2713 is still usable?

    Someone said use ebay and buying not used just open case efi es-2000 instead i1d3. it’s wise decision buying es-2000 at this time?  or just got new i1d3?(But recently x-rite changed Calibrate).


    Just rebuying before that monitor ?

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    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
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    Kuba Trybowski
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    Go to the “Verification” tab ,  uncheck “Simulation profile” and then verify your color profile again.


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    I tried..and here is it old i1 result….

    how can i do?

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    Old Man
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    AFAIK, i1d3’s don’t need to be recalibrated. Yours is probably fine


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    So your mean is not need new meter one?Just my monitor is gone?

    but i attached new i1d3 result it’s kind well and i forget the tell every test before calibrate each i1pro and last test is current calibrate state.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by gastek.

    Old Man
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    I think there’s a good chance both your meter and monitor are fine. It probably just needs to be recalibrated. I1pros do need to be recalibrated. That’s all I can help with at the moment. Maybe others can chime in


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    You are using monitor uncalibrated on the 3 reports, unless you were testing factory calibration or HW calibration. Do no mess with simulation profiles if you do not know wha it means, all off, just validate if custom calibration profile matches display.

    Use latest DUCCS (1.6.7) for CAL1/CAL2 HW calibration slots.

    Use DisplayCAL/i1Profiler (latest compatible version is 3.7.1), correction GB-LED/RGphosphor (U2413, it’s the same as yours) for the “Custom color” mode.
    You can validate CAL1/CAL2 results with DisplayCAL and same CCSS correction.

    Maybe you messed with factory mode on the older U2713H. Do a factory reset on monitor OSD menu, then recalibrate or at least measure primaries in Standard or Custo color mode. There should be on place, not what you have measured on 1st & 3rd.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Vincent.
    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Vincent.

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    When first attatched 2 diffrent file is already followed all of your guide.

    and i attatch try one more again.

    hm…I think at the end some wise decision. but many googled it likes rabbit hole..I can’t do

    Thanks always.

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    When first attatched 2 diffrent file is already followed all of your guide.

    and i attatch try one more again.

    hm…I think at the end some wise decision. but many googled it likes rabbit hole..I can’t do

    Thanks always.

    As I said before, don’t use that colorimeter correction. Those lab or xy measured boundaries are far away from what that monitor could give you. They make no sense. Your native green is not a laser. Even if broken, it can’t behave like that.
    Measure RGB primaries from a MS paint patch: spotread -v -x -X colorimeter_RG_phosphor_correction_path.ccss only to be sure that it is not a GPU driver + DisplayCAL bug on multidisplays.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by Vincent.

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    Sorry to bothering you again. I can’t understand how to act: Measure RGB primaries from a MS paint patch: spotread -v -x -X colorimeter_RG_phosphor_correction_path.ccss

    So littlebit search but still..I’m displaycal newbie can you more explain for me ?  I’m using quedro(As i know modern day it’s not  diffrent geforce). driver is last lease using too. Displaycal v3.8.9 and agrycms for non erorr for my window 2.3.1 used.

    always thanks to you.


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    Hei Vincent, i have discovered something that all on this forum should know i suddenly saw that my temperature on my cpu was over 10 degrees hotter then it normal at idle then i ran malware bytes and it discovered a trojan horse with a crypto miner on the DWM LUT… DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS! You can check this yourself… this guy who made it knows exactly what he is doing.. no wonder he reached out to several forums about this..


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    Sorry to bothering you again. I can’t understand how to act: Measure RGB primaries from a MS paint patch: spotread -v -x -X colorimeter_RG_phosphor_correction_path.ccss

    So littlebit search but still..I’m displaycal newbie can you more explain for me ?  I’m using quedro(As i know modern day it’s not  diffrent geforce). driver is last lease using too. Displaycal v3.8.9 and agrycms for non erorr for my window 2.3.1 used.

    always thanks to you.

    It meant “measure R G & B primaries on the screen”, put a 255 red big patch on MS paint, execute commandline “spotread -v -x -X colorimeter_RG_phosphor_correction_path.ccss”, xyY should be close to P3 red xy coordinates. Same on 255 Green, it should be close to AdobeRGB green in xy… not laser-like coordinates in your report.
    Your display cannot render the colors shown in a*b* plot in the botton, even if it is broken, it can’t… hence it should be some application or colorimeter miskate. That’s the reason you should test commandline with raw RGB patches in paint, to discard other sources of error.


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    Hei Vincent, i have discovered something that all on this forum should know i suddenly saw that my temperature on my cpu was over 10 degrees hotter then it normal at idle then i ran malware bytes and it discovered a trojan horse with a crypto miner on the DWM LUT… DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS! You can check this yourself… this guy who made it knows exactly what he is doing.. no wonder he reached out to several forums about this..


    It’s a c# app with open source code. YOU CAN COMPILE & INSPECT IT.


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    <h5>Yeah i know and my brother who is a data engineer said that this was common for people to earn money from crypto by using software tools like this to run unknown in the background and it uses your cpu.. and it wast put in there for a reason… and it gives 99% gpu usage spikes.. this tool is not safe..</h5>


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    My brother fixed it! so its safe to use i guess..

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