Calibrating Dell U3223qe

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    Foreword: I posted this earlier today in the “Help and Support” forum but thought perhaps the Discussion forum would be perhaps a more appropriate place to ask this question. (Mods, please feel free to delete one of the duplicate posts.)

    I just purchased the Dell U3223QE wide gamut monitor. It replaces the older U2715H, which was standard gamut and didn’t have the IPS Black Panel technology  as the new monitor does. Having owned it for many years, I knew how to properly calibrate the U2715H, particularly what correction (panel) type to choose. I’m kinda at loss with the U3223QE. I don’t know what correction type to choose from the DisplayCAL dropdown menu. If anyone’s gone though the process of calibrating this monitor, any other advice would also be greatly appreciated. My primary purpose here is photo editing, and I’m using a i1 Display Pro colorimeter. Thank you for your help.

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    It looks like you should probably be using PFS Phosphor. There’s a review here on TFTCentral where they kindly supplied a graph of the SPD readings:

    You’ll find the graph towards the bottom of the review

    I’ve attached images to this reply: one is the image of the SPD in the article I linked, the other is a graph of  Displaycal’s PFS Phosphor ccss. You’ll see they look very similar

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    Thank you, JohnD. The spectral distribution curves do to quite similar, but is that conclusive? At least one website that provides technical details of monitors suggested it was a WLED type.


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    Thank you, JohnD. The spectral distribution curves do to quite similar, but is that conclusive? At least one website that provides technical details of monitors suggested it was a WLED type.

    Yeah, it’s probably WLED with PFS Phosphor. The inbuilt WLED is not a wide-gamut correction.

    If you choose the WLED correction, then you’d be choosing an inappropriate correction for your wide-gamut monitor. Rather than that I repeat something said before, see this comment from a few years ago by @vincent:

    To reinforce this, the SPD graph of the inbuilt WLED correction is attached. You can see it bears no resemblance to your monitor’s actual SPD.

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    Thank you again, JD! I’m gonna give it a go and see how the results look. This choice looks good?

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 4 weeks ago by jomama.
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    Thank you again, JD! I’m gonna give it a go and see how the results look. This choice looks good?

    No, that one is for higher end devices than yours. Although on a well behaved i1d3 you may not notice. For a 9x% P3 multimedia display the proper one is:
    -Panasonic VVX (94% WLED PFS phosphor)
    -PFS family

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