avs forum “ban”

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    Old Man
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    “Your account has been banned
    Your account has been banned for the following reason: Name Calling. Your ban will be lifted on 01/31/2024.”

    Lol, wut?

    I’m assuming this is because I referred to “colorcal” as “puppet.” That wasn’t name calling. I was expressing my suspicion that colorcal is a sock-puppet account of steve shaw’s. Does anyone else suspect the same?


    Old Man
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    *sigh* and again for calling out steve shaw:

    “Your account has been banned for the following reason: Habitual attacks, insults & baiting. User will be removed permanently if this continues. Your ban will be lifted on 02/15/2024.”

    “Habitual attacks” – never attacked anyone. Ironically, steve shaw and his puppets (including the mods) habitually attack me.

    “Insults” – same as above.

    “Baiting” – lol wut? I’m not trolling. My posts are made in earnest.

    Did you catch a “ban” too, Vincent?

    (Accidentally liked my own post above and can’t figure out how to unlike. Oh well)


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    It could be you shared the free version  of Lightspace.   I paid for the link and got the free version.   My colorchecker display plus did not work though.   It does have no support though.   My firmware is from 2014 and still think it reads my screen wrong.    HCFR  RGB 0,0,255 is RGB 50ish,0,255.    Some color brightness numbers go negative too.  Its only fractions though.   Does colorchecker display plus work in lightspace?   Sorry to hijack the thread so reply how you want.

    Thanks for the help you give.  Glad your on the forum.

    They took off your thread too on avsforum.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Ben.

    Calibrite Display Plus HL on Amazon   Calibrite Display SL on Amazon  
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    Did you catch a “ban” too, Vincent?

    not (yet?)

    But I’ve seen that CIE xy 2D distance trick before.

    There was a guy who bough a CG2420 5 years ago maybe. Superb monitor btw, bit it only has a lut-matrix-lut for HW calibration.
    He used ColorNavigator and calibrated it to Rec709 Gamma 2.4. Then tested it with some light illusion product and sahred the good results.
    Then our “common friend” appeared and started arguing that such hardware calibration was innacurate because an error in the 3 decimal digit on sencondaries… CIE xy euclidean distances.  Humans do not see colors that way. Once you weight that xy distance by dE00 is was negible, under 0.7dE or something like that, I do not remember the details.
    Actually he played the (false) innacuracy card because its hardware cannot use the LUT3D calibration he offered in his products, hardware has only lut-matrix-lut.
    Since he cannot sell is “3d volumetric correction” started to sell us that such errors are too high by “professional standards”

    If you search Lift Gamma Gain for CG2420 you may find it if thread has not been deleted.

    I understand that it is even necessary some kind of product advertisement in exchange for product support on those forums… but not using “snake oil”  statements.

    Same happens with i1d3 thread, once corrected they will show some error vs a true reference device, but this error arises from firmware spectral sensivity curves not matching the actual spectral sensivities. Measure it in the proper way, then sell us the new alternative to FCCM or whatever method you claim…  not again the same CIE xy 2D distance trick just to prentend that error is higher than actual error.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Vincent.
    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Vincent.

    Old Man
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    I paid for the link too, but you don’t have to if you can find the file elsewhere. You’re allowed to share the free version of light space. Steve explicitly said so when he first released it and he also confirmed it in that thread. Speaking of, if anyone still wants it, let me know. You can get your color checker working by replacing some .dll files with ones you can find on GitHub. The lack of documentation sucks though. You can’t even get anything from their old website on the way back machine. Luckily, little has *actually* changed in color space, so most of color space’s documentation still applies (someone should archive all of it) 😕. The firmware on my color checker is also 2014 and it works fine as far as I can tell. That is a very strange reading though. Are you using the right correction? No problem hijacking the thread.

    Thanks for the kind words. I might not be the *most*-knowledgeable, but I do try to help and learn.

    Which thread did they censor this time?


    Old Man
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    Yeah, Vincent. In my effort to learn, I’ve been digging through a lot of old threads and it quickly becomes apparent Steve Shaw’s bad-faith behavior is nothing new.

    He reminds me of certain audiophile salesmen, taking advantage of people’s lack of understanding of LND (least-noticeable difference). I wish people could recognize shilling and snake oil better. I also wish you could call it out without being “banned.”

    They advertise their products as coming with excellent support (in other words, it’s factored into the (aside from zro, expensive) price), so, no, I don’t think they deserve any special consideration for living up to that contractual obligation (and I don’t think they really do – even when I was a paying customer, the “support” was beyond unacceptable). Especially when they basically force you to rely on them for support because there’s no inclusion of many needed extra files (not even on their website – you have to special request via email), no in-product documentation, no sane defaults, and the product functionality is needlessly cryptic and obtuse. If the product properly included all these things, most of their support wouldn’t even be needed.

    People who develop free software and/or provide free support deserve thanks. If you’re charging for your product and advertising excellent support as a feature, it’s your *job* to provide that support.

    Anyway, keep fighting the good fight, brother. May more join our ranks 😉😀


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    I have a uncommon panel.  V5-555 Vizio.   It is ips.    I found this in the factory service mode.  vizio v 555-jo1
    Panel Type 37:TPV_TPT550WR_GS013_H_S1A

    I use LCD RGB Led IPS spectral cal.    Its HP and SOYO.    I kind of calibrate differently with the raised blue in black and set the blackpoint manually to the Blue level.  No black or blue crush then.

    See the blue primary is 55,0,255 .    Cyan is worst.    My color controls are on defaults.

    What profile should I use ?


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    I uploaded in error.    Rename this zip file since it is not a zip but a hcfr chc.   Thanks

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    Old Man
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    This one?


    Maybe rtings has some information in that review that can help.

    I’m not sure which profile to use. Maybe Vincent knows. The display is not wide-gamut, if that helps.

    That error is so severe, I kinda wonder if it’s *not* the profile that’s the problem. I don’t really know.  Again, maybe Vincent (or anyone else) has an idea


    Old Man
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    I started looking at your save, but I’m in the middle of a calibration so I didn’t override preferences on load and I think that’s distorting what I see. I might have to finish what I’m doing first (no idea how long it’ll take). Maybe someone else can take a look in the meantime?


    Old Man
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    Damn, I overrode preferences and it did actually override my preferences on my save too. 😑

    I think you want to use the White LED correction. Try that and report back


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    Yes that one.   Rtings lies.   No way its va panel.   With 950 contrast.   I am more worryed about why it reads rgb without red in them wrong at 100% with it showing red.    I guess the spectral type by trying them all out and seeing which was closest at its default warm tempature.  My RGB balance is  -3,-2,-24  and is close to rtings calibration.   The 20 point is different a lot more.


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    My screen is the best its been so I do not need to change.   I did try White Led many months ago and white looked off to my eyes.

    It overwrote the black point on your profile.  I manually set blackpoint so 5% was not over the 0 % blue.   0 is .1, .1, .279 on my side.   Sorry.

    I will try the white led profile.    Not going to redue the whole calibaration unless white led is right.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Ben.

    Old Man
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    Maybe it’s a regional difference.

    Try the white LED correction. I think it’s correct for your panel. I think your primaries are reading like that because they’re off-target. You can see it on the CIE chart. The wrong correction can cause that.

    Maybe Vincent can verify it’s the correct correction before you redo everything

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 3 weeks ago by Old Man.

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    Blue still 56,0,255.    Its not the profile.    White LED increased the red in white balance.    Less red used to make white look greenish.

    I think there is a bug somewhere in HCFR or it dont read calibrite display plus entirely right.   I never thought of converting xyY in displaycal to RGB to compare.

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