x-rite color checker

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    I’m mot sure this is the right place to speak about that anyway i hope to have your expert advices 🙂

    Recently i own a color checker passport, as i’m mainly working with DXO,  i’ve tryed to build in different light conditions camera icc profile by using Argyll.

    During my researches on the web i found a website that say after 2014 x-rite as changed is colorchecker formulation, and this changes are affecting the color chart. here a comparison …


    now this is said, i’ve opened the color checker passport cie data from argyll and there are dated from 2012. i assume the data are the same for the bottom part of the passport and the classic checker.

    • Can i conclude that the color checker reference in argyll are outdated ?

    i found a spectral reference data file, in my x-rite colorchecher software folder from  x-rite. when i open it with PatchTool the Lab value are sliglty different from the argyll reference i assumed they are d50 at 2 deg.

    • can you confirm that argyll and also displayCAL are using  outdated data for the x-rite checker ? or am i completly wrong ?

    Also i asking myself why the color checker passport software is only using the 24 bottom patches, when the color checker passport cie file from argyll also have values for the top patches (Sat / WB /  Neut)

    Thanks you.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by vinz.

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    Here are the raw spectral data from Xrite software and the modified file to be read with PatchTool. if you are interested with.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by vinz.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by vinz.
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    Florian Höch
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    Hi, this question concerns Argyll CMS, so I’d encourage you to subscribe to its mailing list. That said, I’m not sure if the ColorChecker files that you updated with the X-Rite data can be made availble though, because I’m not sure if the licensing allows it (probably not, although I’m not a lawyer).


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    Thanks for you answer.

    you’re right, i’ll try to suscribe to the mailing list.

    also, perhaps you’re right about the file, but it’s sad to see that public datas from x-rite website still dating from age ago … if they have modified their chart this would be correct/professional imo to update their public datas.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by vinz.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by vinz.

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    Recently i own a color checker passport…

    During my researches on the web i found a website that say after 2014 x-rite as changed is colorchecker formulation

    X-Rite changed ColorChecker Classic and ColorChecker SG…. not ColorChecker Passport… 3 different targets they are.



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    Thank you for clarifying that Alter Ego, i wasn’t sure about …
    Ayway, there are still obvious colours difference between argyll color passport colours and my x-rite spectral datas file. perhaps as mentioned Florian for licensing reasons, their values was measured in place of using x-rite ones.

    On my side i’ve solved the question by updating the argyll files (.cie and .cht) with the datas i’ve …

    Thanks you AlterEgo

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