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    Can anyone explain with simple words how VCGT works and corrects the display?

    what is the difference if we use only the 3D LUT (and not the VCGT) to correct the greyscale?

    from “Settings” I use “Video 3D LUT for Resolve…”

    I would like to generate and verify the 3DLUT with the “Apply calibration (vcgt)” enable and disable. Should I re-profile the display with the exact same settings?

    or I just load the last profile that I made from “Settings” and create another 3D LUT with unchecked both the “Create 3D LUT after profiling” and the “Apply calibration (vcgt)”?  (second screenshot)

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by tourkoD.
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    I would like to generate and verify the 3DLUT with the “Apply calibration (vcgt)” enable and disable. Should I re-profile the display with the exact same settings?

    It’s easy if you use a dsplay ICC profile as “destination” in LUT3D creation and that display profile has VCGT you must do one of the following, and just one

    -add grey calibration to LUT3D (since ICC profile does not store behavior without VCGT applied) and ensure you do not apply BVCGT calibration system wide

    OR (XOR)

    -Do not add grey calibration (so LUT3D will be a direct transform/reencoding from source to destination profile) but you must ensure that VCGT calibration is applied systm wide, otherwise destination profile use in LUT3D won’t relfect actual display behavior

    For madVR you usually apply VCGT and disable system wide grey calibration, since madVR has dithering so it can show smooth gradients even if your GPU has bad VCGT capabilities (8bit or without dithering)

    For a general purpose monitor where you can run Resolve as GUI (not as reference display) and may need to open other color managed apps at the same time, it’s likely that you want to keep grey calibration enabled always so color manged apps work properly (display ICC profile describes display behavior with VCGT applied)

    For ageneral purpose monitor running syste wide LUT3D calibration like DWMLUT you embed VCGT grey calibration in LUT3D, since ICC profile set as “display profile” in OS will be the “source profile” used to make LUT3D.

    anyway, VCGT must be applied only one time, not twice. Knowing this all combinations of LUT3D with/without VCGT are easy

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