Spectral datas interpolation

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    I bought an EFI ES-2000 and it works. I did spectral correction for my white LED monitor and CCFL one. In fact i would like to do an interpolation from 3.3 nm to 1 nm on CCSS then edit it manually especially for the CCFL one to get more acccurate SPDs. Is it possible to do so with Libreoffice or a third party software ?

    Thank you for your future inputs

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by GuiDesc.

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    Check ArgyllCMS xicc/xpect.c for 3rd order polinomial interpolation of a spectrum sample.
    If you just wish to plot it, maybe specplot or DisplayCAL are doing it for you right now.

    Also maybe CCSS2EDR python app(AVSforum+github) may be doing what you ask.


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    Thank you, I found a solution in fact but I’ll see what you send me. In fact I plot the curve in Libreoffice. I use the Cubic Spline in XY dispertion and I took a screenshot. I use https://apps.automeris.io/wpd/ to convert to 1 nm. Then I scaled RGBW to 1 on the Y axis because it goes beyond this after smoothing. I gonna try to change SPEC_373 to 373.3 if I can get better hue match and then tweak web plot digitizer in X Step without interpolation. But I find my KA241Y better calibrated, I used the CIE2012 observer to get a better match to my colorchecker. But should I actually use it ?

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by GuiDesc.
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