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  • #139383

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    My issue pertains as well. Not able to save profile. “TypeError: Can’t mix strings and bytes in path components”


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    OK I’ve been fighting with this damn thing for too long. Time to ask for help. At every turn there’s something that isn’t covered by any of the walkthroughs or guides. It’s maddening.

    I’ve switched back to ventura from sonoma and have so far managed to get python installed (but nobody mentions that python doesn’t install the command line tools anymore). So I went and installed those too.

    So after installing python I had to update the #PATH for it. So I did that. Then I tried the Python install. No errors reported, but no application found anywhere on my system. I looked in the package folder for X-Code and it wasn’t in there either.

    So I thought, let use this homebrew thing and see if it works. Well, it managed to install itself (uisng the .pkg files) and then displaycal and it certainly seems far more intuitive than the other methods……. HOWEVER!

    The home brew page says that :

    If displaycal asks for argyll-cms, do not choose to download.
    Instead, select “Browse” and point displaycal to your $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin.

    Except that, me being unfamiliar with all this, has no idea where to find this folder and no internet searches have been able to help me find it on my mac.


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    Sorry, but what do you mean? Did you recompile old classic DisplayCAL CAL on Ventura? Use bundled pkg. The issue on Sonoma with classic DIsplayCAL is some Cocoa lib crashing.
    Sonoma using Erkan’s port to Python3 seems to work although measurement report seems non functional.


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    It means everything loaded through python3 using homebrew, but the displaycal app couldn’t find the argyllCMS executables and when I loaded argyll through the terminal it hid the files on me.

    I was following the homebrew instructions that told me not to download the files and just point to the path where there are. But the terminal install of argyllcms hides the files where I couldn’t access them through the find argyll executables menu in the app.

    What solved it was saying f’your instructions and redownloading argyll and pointing the app to where it could find them.


    Mark Walter
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    It’s such a shame that there is no updated displaycal for macOS any more. If I could, I would compile a proper dmg  so everyone could just install and use it instead of having to fumble around with pythons.


    Idris Tokhi
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    Need a bit of help. I can get this script to run fine on my M1-M2 machines but trying to get my last gen iMac intel to work has failed. I am getting the same RuntimeError: Need Python version >= 3.8 <= 3.11, got 3.12.0.

    I set my global setting using pyenv but it is still giving my an error. Anything I can do?


    Idris Tokhi
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    Got it: there was some leftover files in my library folder that had to be removed. Running through python 11 now.


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    Still getting error on the measurements on my side.

    I only get a grey patch at the beginning and then this error : “Aprox. fwd matrix unexpectedly singular”

    Any chance the native MacOS app will be compatible with Sonoma ?


    Tom Janson
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    Holy crap, I didn’t think DisplayCal could get any harder to use, but they found a way.

    Anyway, I followed the instructions in this thread, had to tweak a couple of things,and finally the script ran and I got the message at the end – ‘Succesfully Installed DisplayCal-3.9.11’, along with a bunch of other stuff.


    Now, where the hell is it?

    I can’t find anything in the applications folder, the package directory, or indeed anywhere else on my hard drive.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


    Mark Walter
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    Holy crap, I didn’t think DisplayCal could get any harder to use, but they found a way.

    Anyway, I followed the instructions in this thread, had to tweak a couple of things,and finally the script ran and I got the message at the end – ‘Succesfully Installed DisplayCal-3.9.11’, along with a bunch of other stuff.


    Now, where the hell is it?

    I can’t find anything in the applications folder, the package directory, or indeed anywhere else on my hard drive.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

    Just open terminal and type “displaycal”


    Eleazar Wilson
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    Okay so I’ve been trying to follow this thread as well, and I got everything to work, DisplayCAL is running, up until I start the calibrating and profiling process. I’m calibrating through Resolve with a Ultrastudio Mini Monitor 3G, and everything works until I start the calibration. It doesn’t seem to be able to send the patches through to resolve. When I try and start the Interactive Display Measurement, the patches don’t change on the screen, and if I try and start the calibration, it doesn’t work and then gives me an error that says “Error – Aprox. fwd matrix unexpectedly singular”

    Anyone know why this is? I feel like I’m so close to it finally working.


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    Okay so I’ve been trying to follow this thread as well, and I got everything to work, DisplayCAL is running, up until I start the calibrating and profiling process. I’m calibrating through Resolve with a Ultrastudio Mini Monitor 3G, and everything works until I start the calibration. It doesn’t seem to be able to send the patches through to resolve. When I try and start the Interactive Display Measurement, the patches don’t change on the screen, and if I try and start the calibration, it doesn’t work and then gives me an error that says “Error – Aprox. fwd matrix unexpectedly singular”

    Anyone know why this is? I feel like I’m so close to it finally working.

    Same issue here.

    The only option I found that works for me  is to run the Windows version of DisplayCal within a Windows virtual machine. The patches are then sent correctly to the IP address on DaVinci Resolve (as well as my Ultra Studio 4K Mini) on my MacOS session, both Windows and MacOS running in parallel.

    I have also created another topic that is specific to the I/O devices compatibility issue with the Python version of DisplayCal :
    Bakc in December, the DisplayCal Python specialist (Erkan), told me that he will look into this whenever he has time.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Bastien.

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    I have mac os sonoma I installed python-3.12.2-macos11…checked the version in terminal…installed via terminal DisplayCAL-3.9.12 tar…but then I can’t find any folder in the applications to make scripts I have I also tried to unpack and run the scripts…but in the applications folder I don’t see the display cal app…I also left the latest version DisplayCAL- to see if it worked with it…but with or without the old one application doesn’t work app… what am I doing wrong… I followed the instructions step by step but nothing… is there a possibility through a video to see how to do it on mac os sonoma? Please? Thanks in advance!

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    Is there already a working version for Sonoma?  I tried installing through Python, but I’m stuck at the following error:

    Collecting numpy (from DisplayCAL==3.9.12)

    Using cached numpy-1.26.4.tar.gz (15.8 MB)

    Installing build dependencies … done

    Getting requirements to build wheel … done

    Installing backend dependencies … done

    Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) … error

    error: subprocess-exited-with-error

    × Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.

    │ exit code: 1

    ╰─> [17 lines of output]

    + /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.13/bin/python3 /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d/vendored-meson/meson/ setup /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d/.mesonpy-_zy17w_r -Dbuildtype=release -Db_ndebug=if-release -Db_vscrt=md –native-file=/private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d/.mesonpy-_zy17w_r/meson-python-native-file.ini

    The Meson build system

    Version: 1.2.99

    Source dir: /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d

    Build dir: /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d/.mesonpy-_zy17w_r

    Build type: native build

    Project name: NumPy

    Project version: 1.26.4

    ../ ERROR: Unknown compiler(s): [[‘cc’], [‘gcc’], [‘clang’], [‘nvc’], [‘pgcc’], [‘icc’], [‘icx’]]

    The following exception(s) were encountered:

    Running nvc --version gave “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘nvc'”

    Running pgcc --version gave “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘pgcc'”

    Running icc --version gave “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘icc'”

    Running icx --version gave “[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘icx'”

    A full log can be found at /private/var/folders/g2/zqndqz213tx4mhft2pph6cjm0000gp/T/pip-install-vgrr1bmb/numpy_6e1ffd9c901d49d98aedc07e3a8a5a3d/.mesonpy-_zy17w_r/meson-logs/meson-log.txt

    [end of output]

    note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

    error: metadata-generation-failed

    × Encountered error while generating package metadata.

    ╰─> See above for output.

    note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.

    hint: See above for details.

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