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  • #140174

    Old Man
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    Has anyone tried scripting displaycal? Have any examples to share? I want to write a script that automatically verifies after profiling. I might get fancier later. I’ve looked at the documentation but haven’t attempted anything yet. A search for “scripting” on these forums isn’t very useful


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    Interesting. What  do you script in?


    Old Man
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    DisplayCAL has scripting capability built in. I believe python. Details on the main page. I’ve since moved on, though. Now I’m trying to change Argyll’s source code directly, but I can’t get G’s jam thing to work. If you want a “fun” project, let me know if you (or anyone else) can get Argyll to compile


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    I have been playing around with the scripting function but am currently blocked.

    The example code on the DispCal website only runs on Python2 but with some tweeks it can be made to run on Python3.

    Once past that, I can interact with the GUI elements fine, in my case, creating a synthetic profile.  But when you go to save that profile you ultimately get handed over to Window’s native save file dialog, and its not apparent to me how to interact with the Windows dialog elements.

    If anybody has suggestions I’d love to hear them.

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