Need help with permanently applying only the gamma correction of an ICM profile

Home Forums Help and Support Need help with permanently applying only the gamma correction of an ICM profile

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    Like the title says, I downloaded a profile for my monitor (almost impossible to buy a calibrator where I live) but I don’t like the way it changes the colors, but I do want to keep the gamma changes. The only way I could find to do this is by going to “Tools -> Load calibration curves from calibration file or profile” and selecting the .cal or .icm. From what I’ve seen this method seems to work but it needs reapplying every time I restart my PC. Is there any way to do this but permanently?


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    Read argyll commandline, you need to extract VCGT data to a .cal file.
    Then you can create a synth profile with your edid native gamut coordinates… or sRGB if you want to fake everything and live “oversaturated”
    Then you can apply that .cal grey calibration to your newly created synth profile.
    Then load it with DIsplayCAL.

    I cannot search actual commands in ARgyllCMS right now, but go to the doc  and it wil be easy to find.


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    Thanks for the answer but I still have some questions since it’s the first time using any of this. I managed to get the .cal file but I have no idea how to create a synth profile. And when you say that I can apply the .cal grey calibration to the new synth profile you mean using Argyll’s applycal.exe?

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