Multi-Display and Profile Loader

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    Hello ! I need help with profile loader and 2 monitor situation. Laptop display and  hdtv.

    Now, my hdtv is hardware calibrated, it does not need a profile while the laptop display does. Anyhow I did a profile for it (hdtv) just to see if it would fix what’s happening and nope, it didn’t. It did however help on the laptop display profile not getting applied to it most of the times. It still is sometimes.

    My first understanding is that in cloned desktop mode, It is not possible to have different profiles loaded. At least I haven’t been able to. The laptop display profile would either get  applied to the hdtv and laptop display or no profile getting applied to either. I have seen both happening on my trial and error. Windows limitation  ??

    Second, when using each screen by its own and loading up some app that clears the profile (eg game), I can see the profile getting reloaded, the desired effect, perfect, but in extended desktop mode the profile is not getting  reloaded. I can see presumably displaycal profile loader trying because i do see the profile getting re-applied just to be reset afterwards.

    Is this a limitation or something that i’m doing wrong ? I have preserve calibration enabled and automatically fix profile associations correctly setup.

    Nvidia 980M GPU, windows 10 x64.

    Thank you for you time on this.


    Florian Höch
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    My first understanding is that in cloned desktop mode, It is not possible to have different profiles loaded.

    That is correct.

    Is this a limitation or something that i’m doing wrong ?

    It is a limitation of Windows itself, i.e. something you can’t really do much about. The only way to get around it is to not use cloned desktop mode (disable the display that’s not in use at the time by selecting “Show only on …” in Windows’ display settings or “extend” the displays instead of cloning).


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    Ok. But what about my second issue when running extended desktop? The profiles are applied correctly but … eg. I run unigine heaven (window mode is enought to trigger the issue) and the icc profile get cleared on both displays and do not get reloaded. This one I did not expect.

    Any ideas?


    Florian Höch
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    I run unigine heaven (window mode is enought to trigger the issue) and icc profile get cleared on both displays and do not get reloaded. This one I did not expect.

    Does this happen with other applications as well? If not, this may point to Unigine heaven as the culprit (it probably peridically resets the VCGT).


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    Honestly I haven’t tried because it works in single display only. Does not matter which display I use, the profile gets reloaded. It does not when using extended mode.

    Any log  I can send you or test I can do to find out why?


    Florian Höch
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    Any log I can send you or test I can do to find out why?

    Yes, test with another application please. In the case that other applications are fine, you’d have to forfeit calibration when running Unigine (i.e. disable the calibration loader while Unigine is running by unchecking “Preserve calibration state”).


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    Ok, unigine heaven is a problem with extended desktop. In single display, be it laptop or hdtv, the profile loader does reload the profile. I can see the profile getting re applied during unigine heaven loading screen. In extended mode it does not reload the profile and worst, after exiting unigine the profile gets applied to the hdtv and not the laptop display ??!! Any fix for this ?

    I did test a bunch of games. All respect and actually use the icc profile except CS:GO (in fullscreen, in windowed fullscreen it does use it) . The game does not reset the profile but it does not use it either so I tried using  reshade 3d lut and it works but it would be nice if you updated the resulting files so It would be compatible with reshade Version 2.0.1f4. The new version no longer uses per game files.

    Could you have a look at it when you have time ? It would be really nice so you can actually use displaycal reshade color correction with any game with just a click and also use other reshade effects at the same time.

    Thank you very much


    Florian Höch
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    after exiting unigine the profile gets applied to the hdtv and not the laptop display ??!! Any fix for this ?

    Well, unfortunately I have no idea what Unigine is doing, so it’s hard to tell. It sounds like it resets the video card gamma tables periodically, and then (possibly incorrectly) restores them when exiting. This would be a bug in Unigine though.

    I tried using reshade 3d lut and it works but it would be nice if you updated the resulting files so It would be compatible with reshade Version 2.0.1f4. The new version no longer uses per game files.

    I’ll look into it. Previously this was working, so I wonder what they have changed. Probably easy to fix though.


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    the new reshade just makes a symlink on the game folder and the shaders / effects are all on the same folder now. I’m sure you will understand in seconds what I’m trying to say when you have a look. It just needs a little update on the generated files so you can keep using reshade effects and the 3D Lut from displaycal.


    Florian Höch
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    I updated the ReShade 3D LUT installation instructions in the Wiki accordingly.

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