Monitor Calibration 3D LUT as .csv

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  • #39195

    Diogo Almeida
    • Offline

    Hey everyone.
    I’ve been trying to update my Osee G7 field monitor’s factory calibration LUT to one generated by DisplayCal, but according to the manufacturer, the calibration LUT must be imported as a .csv file, which DisplayCal does not list as an option.
    Is there a way to do it or alternatively convert a .cube LUT to a .csv?
    The manufacturer is exporting .cvs files directly from Calman Studio, and for LUT conversion the best option I found was Lattice LUT Editor by Video Village, but the software is 250$.
    Let me know if you have any alternative solutions before I start bothering my colorist friends and ask them to use their Calman setup.
    Any help would be much appreciated


    • Offline

    Take a look on “eecolor Processor” .txt format in LUT3D creator, you may translate it to CSV easily with some Notepad++/Excel work if you have some CSV example from previous calibrations to figure row/column format and order.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vincent.
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