Instrument Initialisation Failed

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  • #2169

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    Whenever I try to self-calibrate my i1P2 I get an error message:

    Instrument initialisation failed with ‘Non-specific error’ EEProm key table count is too big or small’

    I can see it listed when I run lsusb, spotread -c, and DIsplayCAL detects it but I always get the error.

    Have I not installed Argyll correctly? The OS I’m trying to run DisplayCAL on is Mint 17.3.


    Florian Höch
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    Which version of Argyll CMS are you using? And is it the distribution-packaged version, or downloaded from


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    Downloaded from the websites for DC and Argyll. I didn’t get any results when I searched the package manager but, I may have mistyped. Version is 1.8.3.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Shardnax.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Shardnax.

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    Tried downloading ACMS through DisplayCAL and still get the error.

    Edit: Logs attached, I’ll pm the password whenever you respond.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Shardnax.
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    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Do you have access to a Windows or Mac OS X system? If so, does X-Rite i1Diagnostics work? Otherwise, I’d recommend asking on the Argyll CMS mailing list.


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    i1 Diagnostics does work, and it says it passes, but I still get the error with DisplayCAL on Windows.

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