Instrument fails (LinuxMint ColorMunki Display)

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    Jan Niklas Fingerle
    • Offline


    after upgrading to the newest version of LinuxMint and DisplayCal3 I tried to recalibrate my screens using my ColorMunki Display. This worked in the past on that usb port, still I retried all other ports, which didn’t help.

    I can’t make much sense of the attached log. If someone could point me into the right direction, that would be very nice,

    Cheers, Jan Niklas

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    Jan Niklas Fingerle
    • Offline

    2nd try uploading. Log files seem prone to allow attacks.

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    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    I can’t make much sense of the attached log.

    Me neither unfortunately, the log doesn’t seem to contain an error message. Try updating Argyll CMS to the latest version (1.8.3), 1.5.1 is relatively old.


    Jan Niklas Fingerle
    • Offline


    thanks. I mistakenly assumed that the newest DisplayCAL comes with a current (bundled) version of Argyll CMS. Since the current version of LinuxMint is based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, this explains the older version of Argyll. As it turns out, I didn’t have to go the whole way (which would have meant compiling Argyll CMS by myself), but could use the ppa provided by Pascal de Bruijn (whom I have to trust anyway, since I use his darktable packages – ppa:pmjdebruijn/argyll-testing) for Argyll 1.6.3 which already solved my problem.

    In hindsight I believe that it was probably the change “Changed i1d3 driver to be more forgiving of EEProm checksum calculation, so that it works with the latest release “A-02″ rev. i1 display pro & colormunki display instruments, as well as improving its robustness in the face of errors.” (version 1.6.2) in Argyll CMS that caused this problem.

    So, thanks for the help, and hopefully the provided information may help others in the future.

    Cheers, Jan Niklas

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