I just can’t get my Spyder X2 Elite to be recognized

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    I have a Datacolor Spyder X2 Elite. I have tried about everything (read dozens of posts). No matter what, DisplayCAL absolutely refuses to detect it. I don’t really know what else to add to my post, if there’s any info missing which you need, do tell me.

    OS : Win10. Currently, the driver is called(?) “WinUsb Device”, provided by Microsoft ,so I guess it’s not the right driver, but I CAN’T MANAGE TO INSTALL THE RIGHT ONE! According to this post,  This is how it should look.

    • When I click on Tools/Instrument/enable Spyder, it tells me it is successfully enabled.
    • When I click on Tools/instrument/Install Driver/Download & Install, I get the UAC notification, then a Please Wait window while DisplayCal is apparently doing it’s thing, then it enumerates devices and back to the main window with nothing different on it.

    Please do not suggest selling and getting a better instrument or whatever, like I’ve seen in many other posts, as it is a “paperweight” or whatever ; I have it, I want to use it, I do not care about your brand loyalty/hate/opinion.

    Please Help.

    What I have tried (not in order) :

    • Uninstall/Reinstall DisplayCAL completely.
    • Disabling the feature that doesn’t let you install non signed drivers in Windows.
    • Uninstalling the usb drivers for the Spyder in Device Manager then reinstalling them manually (by finding the file inside the .zip after I downloaded it from Argyll)
    • Updating Argyll to the latest version (which gives an error about the usb driver key not being found in DisplayCAL because it hasn’t been updated in almost 5 years)
    • Downgraded Argyll to v2.something and installing the usb driver through DisplayCAL
    • Plugging it in usb 2.0 instead of 3.0
    • Unplugging it after installing the drivers
    • Praying and screaming and insulting my computer
    • Rebooting a dozen times during various steps
    • Going crazy
    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by bikebikebike. Reason: clarity

    Old Man
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    that's a great way to not get help. Good luck out there!


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    First of all it must be recognized by ArgyllCMS, so the natural steps are:

    -ArgyllCMS 3.1 (32bit), install latest USB driver
    -check device administrator that device is plugged through argyllCMS USB driver, if not the read argyllcms doc to switch drivers
    -once you see it plugged through ARgyllCMS USB driver test it using ArgyllCMS commandline, several posible test , for example “spotread” taht will read whatever it is on screen placed under your device.

    If these steps cannot be completed, maybe X2 is not supported by ARgyllCMS so it cannot be recognized by DIsplaYCAL which is a front end for ARgyllCMS. Report your issues to ArgyllCMS maillist and wiat for support or make a donation.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Vincent.

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    Ironically you described your comment perfectly, good job!

    Unless you want to help, feel free not to answer, but if you still do I will feel free to not care ; I am not interested in a kindergarten level fight over which series of letters (“brand”) is better in your eyes.

    First of all it must be recognized by ArgyllCMS, so the natural steps are:

    -ArgyllCMS 3.1 (32bit), install latest USB driver
    -check device administrator that device is plugged through argyllCMS USB driver, if not the read argyllcms doc to switch drivers
    -once you see it plugged through ARgyllCMS USB driver test it using ArgyllCMS commandline, several posible test , for example “spotread” taht will read whatever it is on screen placed under your device.

    If these steps cannot be completed, maybe X2 is not supported by ARgyllCMS so it cannot be recognized by DIsplaYCAL which is a front end for ARgyllCMS. Report your issues to ArgyllCMS maillist and wiat for support or make a donation.

    About your first point : why the 32bit version and not 64? Not that it matter, as I tried both version, and neither seem to do anything different. Both the 64 bit and 32 bit give me the same values in the device manager : “WinUsb Device”, provided by Microsoft. When I install the usb driver,  I get the UAC prompt, then upon accepting, a black cmd window that says “Installing ArgyllCMS libusb0 driver using libwdi” and it closes, without a message, a minute or two later. I think it completes successfuly but I kinda wish it’d output a message to specify if it worked or not.

    Argyll doc for switching drivers (I put the important part in bold italics) :

    Windows 8, 8.1, 10 & 11

    To switch between drivers:
    (Plug in the instrument)
    Desktop -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager
    (Locate the instrument in the device list. It may be underneath one of the top level items.)
        Right click on instrument -> Update Driver Software… -> let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer
        (Choose either the Argyll driver or another driver from the list)
    -> Next -> Close

    I do not get multiple drivers, the only choice I have is the “WinUsb Device”  driver. When I click on “Have Disk” and manually browse to the driver’s location, it says there is no driver, or that it’s not x64 compatible (whether I use the x32 or x64 driver).

    I am starting to think, too, that it might just not be supported. I calibrated screens before with a Spyder X (not the X2) and I didn’t have that many problems …

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by bikebikebike.

    SpyderX Pro on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Old Man
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    Retard alert. You’re lucky Vincent is willing to help, even though you’re being rude about the exact same opinion he holds and the exact same language he uses (I borrowed “paper weight” from him – and that’s exactly what your meter is)


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    Retard alert. You’re lucky Vincent is willing to help, even though you’re being rude about the exact same opinion he holds and the exact same language he uses (I borrowed “paper weight” from him – and that’s exactly what your meter is)

    you’d feel more at home on 4chan’s /g/. “no! stop having different opinion than me, retard!”. point me to what is rude about mentioning “if you have nothing insightful to say, don’t just come here to shit on what I have right now because this is not helpful.” good luck twisting that to look smart (not that i care about your reply, really. “wow with that kind of attitude you won’t get help, rude!” then consider stopping antagonizing people.)

    to be more clear, I don’t give a damn about what others think of it ; this is the one I have, and I am not going to spend another 200-400€ on another one because someone on a forum doesn’t like it. I’d post the “I deliberately entered a thread full of things that I do not like and now I am mad how could this be happening to me” meme, but i also think this’ll fly far, far above your head.


    Old Man
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    Retard confirmed


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    again, consider 4chan, you can be yourself there.

    Seeing that you go around calling others retard (and apparently are terminally online), I guess this forum isn’t moderated. This is my last reply to you, zoomer (not that i care about your replies).


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    About your first point : why the 32bit version and not 64?

    Current DIsplaYCAL may have issues with 64bit, if you were able to make it work with ARgyllCMS

    I do not get multiple drivers, the only choice I have is the “WinUsb Device”  driver. When I click on “Have Disk” and manually browse to the driver’s location, it says there is no driver, or that it’s not x64 compatible (whether I use the x32 or x64 driver).

    I am starting to think, too, that it might just not be supported. I calibrated screens before with a Spyder X (not the X2) and I didn’t have that many problems …

    Upon inspection of INF file

    “Spyder1 (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0100
    “Spyder2 (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0200
    “Spyder3 (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0300
    “Spyder4 (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0400
    “Spyder5 (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0500
    “SpyderX (Argyll)” = LIBUSB0_DEV, USB\VID_085C&PID_0A00

    Seems no support for X2. Ypu’ll have to request it in ArgyllCMS maillist. Consider donation to ArgyllCMS.


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    What would happen if you modify a inf ?    Very like old days using modified video and sound drivers.    Is the hardware the same in the Spyder X2 as Spyder X ?  They do have a different sensor.   Desperate attempts for a desperate times.    Not really desperate just jokeing.    It is worth trying maybe.   Glad to remember argyii does not read the serial number so it might work.   I am not sure and can’t find info.

    I do agree with Vincent.

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Ben.

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    IDNK if X and X2 use the same comm protocol. You may try, but in addition to INF there is a binary CAT file. IDNk if you need to modify that. DEVID may be found on Device manager on device properties

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