How to measure and set brightness before profiling

Home Forums Help and Support How to measure and set brightness before profiling

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  • #140995

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    Maybe a silly question, I am quite new to DisplayCal, I have been using LightSpace for a while but support ended and not ready to buy a new licence for ColourSpace.
    I use a Deckilnk card

    In LightSpace, before profiling I used to make a direct measurement of the 100% white of the monitor in order to set the brightness on the OSD of the monitor before profiling and calibration.

    I haven’t found any tool in DisplayCal to make a measurement in real time while adjusting Brightness on the OSD.
    Is it hidden somewhere? Or otherwise how you set the brightness before calibration?
    I tried to look through the documentation and the forum but didn’t find. Sorry if the question was already asked.

    Thanks a lot!


    Old Man
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    What you’re looking for is handled after you click calibrate. Just make sure you have interactive adjustment set


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    I knew it was a silly question 🙂


    Old Man
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    It was a good question. The UX can always be improved

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