Hi New to Forum! Thanks, CAL!

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    I am a pro photographer and DisplayCal  saved my butt.  My OS drive fried and I had to reconstruct it with a new drive. I am running windows 10. Unfortunately…I have an old i one display puck and that will not work. Looked into getting a new one and discovered I could run the old puck with the CAL software. Was a really easy task and now my images look much better. I am still having a problem, however, with getting an exact print match. This has been a problem since upgrading from windows 8 to 10 several years ago. The color is pretty close, but prints are much contrastier in general. I have my monitor contrast all the way up. I was wondering if there was a trick with picking a different gamma while using the cal software that will overcome this. I have an hp 2275 monitor that is about 8 years old.


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    As a pro photographer, color accuracy and consistency across different devices is crucial to your work. It’s great to hear that DisplayCal has helped you achieve better color accuracy on your monitor. However, getting an exact print match can be a bit more challenging.

    One thing to consider is that printers use a different color space than monitors, so it’s important to make sure your images are properly converted to the printer’s color space. Additionally, the paper type and ink used can also affect the color and contrast of the final print.

    Regarding your question about gamma settings, changing the gamma setting in DisplayCal may help adjust the overall brightness and contrast of your monitor, but it’s important to note that this may also affect the overall color accuracy. I would recommend consulting with a professional color calibration service or contacting the manufacturer of your printer to see if they have any recommendations or settings to improve print matching.


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    No ofense but thread looks like made by ChatGPT.

    Regarding your question:
    -use softproof
    -match white color & brightnes to paper manually.

    If you do actually use black ink simulation contrast should be close or matched. Also make sur you do not use BPC on low contrast display or paper contrast will be fake.
    If you do not, why? but if you insist on not using it you’ll be forced to simulate lowered contrast on display

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