FIX: Display Pro HL and “Instrument Access Failed”

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  • #139330

    Kyler Boudreau
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    I just got the Calibrite Display Pro HL. I’m on an M1 Mac.

    Tried to calibrate with DisplayCAL and the latest ArgyllCMS (3.0.1). Received the infamous:

    Error – new_disprd() failed with ‘Instrument Access Failed’

    Rebooting, reinstalling…nothing worked.

    Here’s the solution: Even though you may not be using Calibrite Profiler at all, you have install Calibrite Profiler AND open it up and initiate a measurement. Otherwise DisplayCAL can’t access the colorimeter.

    The software unlocks the Display Pro HL and then DisplayCAL can use it without issue.

    Hope this keeps someone else sane! I was about to go crazy.

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon   Calibrite Display SL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    I just saw that by myself. It’s ArgyllCMS 3.0.1 fault. It fails even on commandline. Using Argyll 2.3.1/3.0.0 I saw no issue.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vincent.

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    (sonoma 14, intel x64)

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vincent.

    Kyler Boudreau
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    Interesting. Well at least I can launch Calibrite Profiler and get around the lock file that way.


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    It is happening to me on Win 10 too, but only sometimes… weird. Switching to older ArgyllCMS 2.3.1 solves the issue.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Vincent.

    Tony Leech
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    I was really, really  hoping this fix would work for me. Glad to hear it worked for the OP—gives me some hope I can get this sorted.

    I’m on a 2017 iMac, OS 13.6, using the Calibrite Display Plus HL. After installing the Calibrite Profiler and running a full calibration, I relaunched DisplayCal, but no luck. Deleted the app and its contents in the ~/Library/ directory and reinstalled. Still getting the error: Error – new_disprd() failed with ‘Instrument Access Failed’

    I’m sorry to ask such a newbie question, but I’ve been searching all day and evening for a way to revert to a previous version of ArgyllCMS for Mac, but haven’t found anywhere I can download a prior release. Any ideas?

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    edit: grammar

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by Tony Leech.

    Calibrite Display Plus HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


    Tony Leech
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    Happy to report I was able to locate Argyll v2.3.1 in a system backup. Deleted v3.0.1 and replaced it. Was able to calibrate my primary and reference displays with no issues. Though it looks like Graeme has released v3.0.2, so I’ll be doing some testing with that.


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    Something I have also found after disabling all motherboard and led bloatware, is to disable this service if it is present, “Logitech LampArray Service”. I hope this helps. I was the only thing that worked for me.


    Grateful Calibrator
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    Something I have also found after disabling all motherboard and led bloatware, is to disable this service if it is present, “Logitech LampArray Service”. I hope this helps. I was the only thing that worked for me.

    I created an account just to tell you THANK YOU.  I tried 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 and still got the error.  Stopped the “Logitech LampArray Service” and it worked immediately.  Appreciate you coming back to report this – internet superhero!


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    I am very glad that my own findings could help you too. All the very best with your calibrations. Take care.


    Hoang Vu
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    It worked like charm. I need to create account to say thank you so much.


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    Very glad my suggestion helped you. Happy calibrating. Take care

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