Eizo Foris FS2333 + Spyder 5

Home Forums General Discussion Eizo Foris FS2333 + Spyder 5

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    Bogdan Boeru
    • Offline

    Hi guys,

    I have the forementioned monitor and just bought the Spyder 5 Express. Is it me or is this a great score for a “gaming” monitor? I did buy it for photo editing when I did because of the reviews, but I’m even more amazed now after I calibrated it with Spyder 5 and the default settings on DisplayCAL. (last calibration was with a friend’s Spyder 3 about 2 years ago)

    The monitor gain settings are: R- 86 / G- 100 /B- 64

    Really nice work on the software guys, I’m very happy with the results!


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    Bogdan Boeru
    • Offline

    One more question about the gamut coverage… I don’t understand exactly, in the first screenshot it says 98.8% sRGB, but from these graphs I’m seeing it can easily display past it?

    Is it the fact that I’m barely touching the edge of cyan/light blue and I’m missing a 1.2% in coverage there, and that’s how the Gamut Coverage is calculated(maximum of 100%, minus that part), and the Volume is simply an area comparison?

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    Florian Höch
    • Offline


    Is it me or is this a great score for a “gaming” monitor?

    It is a good display with a high quality IPS panel.

    One more question about the gamut coverage… I don’t understand exactly, in the first screenshot it says 98.8% sRGB, but from these graphs I’m seeing it can easily display past it?

    Coverage and volume are calculated from the three dimensional CIE L*a*b* values. In the 2D graph, you can only see the 2D outline (a*b* plot).


    Bogdan Boeru
    • Offline

    Thanks Florian. I’m seeing some banding with the gamma profile applied. Not a lot, but noticeable. Disabling it from DisplayCal kills all banding, and I get smooth gradients. Any way to improve this? Would running a longer calibration procedure work? I’ve calibrated it with the default one that says it takes 30mins (took ~1hr with my Spyder 5).

    I’m using this as test.



    Florian Höch
    • Offline

    Thanks Florian. I’m seeing some banding with the gamma profile applied. Not a lot, but noticeable. Disabling it from DisplayCal kills all banding, and I get smooth gradients. Any way to improve this?

    No. To reduce banding, the display path has to use a higher bit depth or apply dithering. This is outside the control of calibration software. AMD graphics cards may do better than nVidia because they always dither the output when applying the videoLUT.

    Would running a longer calibration procedure work?


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