EIZO CG2700X bad uniformity?

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    Hello. I’m very disappointed, do you think it’s my mistake or is it a “defective” panel? I spent 3,000 euros hoping to get superb uniformity… but no

    I’ve just received the eizo cg2700X today, i replaced the benq 321C due to its poor software and low contrast. It had an  excellent uniformity, definitely better than this eizo.

    I’m a really newbee on display technology so I hope bad measure just due to mu fault but I am afraid not.

    Thank you for your  time

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    let me to auto correct. The uniformity correction on EIZO was disabled, i made another built-in sensor correlation(using my old  colormunky photo).

    let me share eizo software validation and displaycal  uniformity trst.

    It looks all really good, please tell me if something is wrong in your opinion.

    Display cal (i make a report by calibrite display plus colorimeter) report more luminosity and less contrast

    I would like to test the display gamut…is it possible just making a calibration by Displaycal or is it possible to get that also on Eizo software?

    Is it normal to see a 1.7gamma instead of 2.2 on eizo monitor test?

    sorry for my lots of questions, hoping in your patience 🙂

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    Eizos color uniformity is superb with uniformity disabled, just happened that you did not know how to read it 😀
    Your screenshot is overall unifority dE, color + brightness.
    Uniformity off (DUE brightness) should have superb deltaC color uniformity and mild brightness drop at corners. That’s the “premium panel” extra price.
    Uniformity on should have excellent uniformity of both directions, hence low dE.

    It’s pointless to capture screenshots of some gamma test. Also it’s not very useful to run test in a browser due to color management interaction=> you are not seeing monitor behavior.. Also dpi can play a role here… you should close your eyes till eyelashes blur the image at whatever dpi you have.


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    I would like to test the display gamut…is it possible just making a calibration by Displaycal or is it possible to get that also on Eizo software?

    Validate Color Navigator calibration by validating Color Navigator resulting matrix profile, or in factory native gamut OSD preset validate default ICC profile (from EDID or monitor driver, make suer it is active on OS as default).
    You can validate factory OSD presets (sRGB, AdobeRGB, etc) by choosing simulation profile + use simulation profil as display profile.
    DO NOT use simulation profiles for validating Coro Navigation calibration results unless you know what you are actually doing because you may interpret serulst in a wrong way (simulate profile = testing color managed behavior, using simulated profile as display porifle = testing if dsplay right now behaves like some colorspace). By default after a calibration for general photo use you do not use simulation profiles at all… just validate if calibrated display matches default display profile.

    Remember that ColorNavigator has no EDR correction for these WLED PFS in “adobeRGB green flavor”. Download corrected EDR from Lift Gamma Gain, you can choose CG319X or CS2731, more or less the same SPD.
    In displaycal you should choose CCSS counterpart of those, or bundled HP Z24x G2  CCSS file (WLED PFS Adobergb green flavor).

    We are assuming that CG2700X as the same SPD (a WLED PFS phosphor LED)… but new panel manufactured may have chosen QLED. You’ll need an spectrophotometer or wait for some user or review to confirm SPD… but an educated guess will be chooseing the same correction as for other new CG models.


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    Vincent. As usual  understaoos so little of your experienced suggest an it s so frustrating.

    So i did a wrong uniformity test?

    Is my panel unit good or could be defective in your opinion(or you do not have enought element to say that?

    Would use display cal instead  of eizo (hoping to find the right SDK) give a plus?

    Would use calibrite dislay plus gives anu pros VS buil in calibrator?

    I do not know why  contrast ratio change so much from CN to Displaycal


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    Vincent. As usual  understaoos so little of your experienced suggest an it s so frustrating.

    So i did a wrong uniformity test?

    You did it right, you read it suprficially. Click on center combo box in uniformity report, switch to deltaC (color tint)

    Is my panel unit good or could be defective in your opinion(or you do not have enought element to say that?

    Check deltaC, DUE=brightness. Brightness drop is reported as %. You have other CGs in prad.de as reference.

    With -8% brightness drop near corners I’d say that most error value is in brightness “direction” not in deltaC, hence display is OK as expected, but check.

    Would use display cal instead  of eizo (hoping to find the right SDK) give a plus?

    You can create LUT3Ds for CG-X in DisplayCAL and then load it to monitor previous HW calibration. Take a look on Eizo Asia Pacific video tutorials.

    For photo use I’ll just use CN (with proper EDR) calibrating to native gamut because grey neutrality should be superb and display good behaved so a simple matrix profile sgoudl predict ist behavior accurately… but test it.
    So I’ll use DisplayCAL just for verifying that is is working as expected (reports) not for calibration.

    I do not remember what was your main job, video or photo. If you are into grading take a look on eizo APAC videos for LUT3D loading:
    -calibrate with CN
    -measure actual behavior with DisplayCAL (create a 3d mesh, table profile, no calibration)
    -create LUT3D that transform Rec709 g2.4 to display colorspace (measured 3dmesh)
    -load it to monitor with CN.

    Would use calibrite dislay plus gives anu pros VS buil in calibrator?

    bult in can be used with CN, for DisplayCAL you’ll have to use i1d3

    I do not know why  contrast ratio change so much from CN to Displaycal

    Did you use the same measurement device?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vincent.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vincent.

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    Hi Vincent.

    I made another built in instrument correlation(usin colormunky) and a new calibration using built in probe

    Finally I take again uniformity reading on display cal, this time I upgrade DeltaC values too.

    Hoping this could be useful to understand if display is good or not.

    I founf just two option in DUE modality…I am not able to completely disable  this option, just switchpriority  between “brightness” and “uniformity”

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    And this is the same measure taking with DUE priority option setting on “uniformity”

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    I wrote it above, “uniformity off” = DUE: brightness (max brightness max contrast), “uniformity on” is the other option.

    Color uniformity (dC) is excellent as expected with uniformity off, dE uniformity errors you showed use several messages ago come from expected brightness drop on sides with unifomity off (DUE brightness)
    Contrast is so high even with uniformity on that you can use it for video keeping reasonable black level value.

    Display is OK, superb contrast & unifority.

    A Munki photo (spectrophotometer) cannot measure properly WLED PFS backlights using Xrite SDK (10nm), hence correlating built in sensor to it is useless. Red channel is captured at too low resolution ans psectral peaks typical of that backlight go “blured” at 10nm. Revert built in sersor to original colorimeter correction from factory. You’ll need a much much much expensive HW than a i1studio/i1pro-“X” to correct built in sensor for its backlight.

    45 degree captures are just warings from CN: if you change DUE setting then HW calibrations are considered no longer valid. It is suggesting you to recalibrate.

    Since you have colormunki photo/design spectrophotometer… create a CCSS at “high res mode” (3nm) using DisplayCAL so we can know the backlight type: is it a QLED PFS like its siblings or is it a QLED from new panel manufactirer AUOpt?
    For validating results in DisplayCAL you should use high res mode (3nm) too…. and you may get some WP mismatch readings between factory correlated built in sensor and 3nm munki spectrophotometer
    You can try measuring WP at 10nm with ARgyll on same calibration as 3nm to see the drift if any. Even better you can plot spectrao power distribution at 3nm and 10nm and see their differences un red channel.


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    hi Vincent. i deleted the correlation I made by colormunky and repeated both calibration bu built in probe.

    Isn’t it  quite strange that deltaE on white looks so better without colormunky correction in NOT DUE correction BUT  looks a worse in the UNIFORMITY corrected profile?

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    dE of 0.56 vs 0.05?
    6511K vs 6506K whitepoint?
    I’m wondering if the difference is insignificant generally and especially given the limited accuracy of the built-in probe and Color Navigator software..
    Figuring out the right EDR / CCSS + using i1d3 is what will make a tangible difference

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by atagunov.

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    Hwello. I have a brand new calibrite plus that should be the same of xrite i1d3(isn’t it?) Is so hard to get an Edr/css even of not a color expeet like me?

    Answering to vincent i am just an amat photographer even if with a quite long experience and professional camera and lens. Twn years ago i made some carbon pigment print, right now i just send (rarely)picture to print in fine art laboratory. I bought colormunky 10 years ago to porfile my old epson color print.

    I would like to try with some videos in the next fyture but nothing of serious, jusy for curiosity and fun.

    I often read the importance of make a meter correction table with a spectro before using a colorimeter like my calibrite but (even if can I understand how make all process to write onto my eizo LUT) i do not know if i could achive a better result then eizo software and internal probe.

    Gor example wouuld I lost the eizo proprietary uniformity correction?

    I would really like to learn more in this matter so please any advjce would be gold to me

    Sorry also for my bad eng!

    About contrast ratio measure by displey cal it is take from calibrite colorimeter VS eizo built in probe..also if i use calibrite on eizo software xontrast pass from 1450 1 to 1250..and it looks strange to me..who tell the true and wich lie?

    I guess eizo built in sensor and software should not give a so wrong value also but surely you have the answer.


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    hi Vincent. i deleted the correlation I made by colormunky and repeated both calibration bu built in probe.

    Isn’t it  quite strange that deltaE on white looks so better without colormunky correction in NOT DUE correction BUT  looks a worse in the UNIFORMITY corrected profile?

    As @atagunov said they’re the same values within repeatability limits of the probe.
    Even more, a very BAD correction should render same dE results in CN because you’d be using the same bad correction for calibration and for validating.


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    Hwello. I have a brand new calibrite plus that should be the same of xrite i1d3(isn’t it?) Is so hard to get an Edr/css even of not a color expeet like me?

    If you meant creating a CCSS it is in DIsplayCAL tools menu. Colorimeter correction, spectral correction, then allow displaycal to share ot via web.

    If you meant using proper EDR with CN:


    Withs is WLED PFS for CS2731 (registration needed), CG319X sample should be in that forum too. If your CG2700X is a WLED PFS LED it will be close to yours.

    Close CN, Replace EDR file (make backup of origibnal RG_phoshor EDR), run CN and on preferences choose the option “no compensation” to use EDRs with i1d3.
    Default “color management” value is a 3×3 matrix that is not portable between i1d3 units.

    For displayCAL just load the CCSS in that zip file or just import bundled set of corrections (HP Z24x G2 is teh one for WLED PFS phosphor with adobeRGB green).

    Answering to vincent i am just an amat photographer even if with a quite long experience and professional camera and lens. Twn years ago i made some carbon pigment print, right now i just send (rarely)picture to print in fine art laboratory. I bought colormunky 10 years ago to porfile my old epson color print.

    Then you can skip the LUT3D part, Just use CN fro calibrating but if you use an i1d3 with CN, make sure you swicth GB-LED EDR for the proper one for your display backlight.

    I would like to try with some videos in the next fyture but nothing of serious, jusy for curiosity and fun.

    I often read the importance of make a meter correction table with a spectro before using a colorimeter like my calibrite but (even if can I understand how make all process to write onto my eizo LUT) i do not know if i could achive a better result then eizo software and internal probe.

    Test it. Measuring white point with “high res mode” (3nm) in DisplayCAL you’d get a very good hint of how built in probe measures vs tweaked high red 3nm color munki spectrophotometer.

    But i1d3 with proper correction will be better than built in probe / munki spectro if you wish to measure a 3d mesh with thousands of patches…because it is very fast.

    Gor example wouuld I lost the eizo proprietary uniformity correction?

    Uniformity correction is written in firmware, user cannot delete it. You just switch it on and off.

    I would really like to learn more in this matter so please any advjce would be gold to me

    Sorry also for my bad eng!

    About contrast ratio measure by displey cal it is take from calibrite colorimeter VS eizo built in probe..also if i use calibrite on eizo software xontrast pass from 1450 1 to 1250..and it looks strange to me..who tell the true and wich lie?

    I’d say i1d3 measure is the one to be trusted.

    I guess eizo built in sensor and software should not give a so wrong value also but surely you have the answer.

    Very dark patches are always a difficult task for a probe. built in colorimeter can measure very good (vs a true reference device) until you approach certain very low nit value threshold. Same applies to i1Prox or i1studio spectrophotometers.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Vincent.

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    Reply To: Eizo cs2420 uniformity

    Vincent ‘-15% is expected even on an Eizo…” you meant also for the cg series? If I am right mine has max 10% so inside the tollerance…is it right?

    I’m ask that because belong the instrument reading i see like a sort of reddish halo especially when the black is total on the upper left corner… waht o mean is that visually it doesn’t look so perfect just spannometrically speaking but maybe it’s because of my too hight expectation or due to the polarizing film but.

    I would just to be sure it was just my suggestion before the 15 day return period expired.

    Rgarding the limits of the internal probe, wouldn’t it be worthwhile for eizo to stop including it by lowering the price and instead work to make it easier to implement the external ones uf thar works better? I find it wrong to sell the top range for 3000 euros and then force the customer to jump through hoops to understand even just the actual contrast level of what he has purchased.

    I took eizo exactly because it is the only one to provide a complete bundled software for free but now I realize that the cumbersome DIY is also necessary here.

    I’ m goung to do the measurements and reading by displaycal as you suggested but surely it would be a long story, hoping in your cooperation to reach that this matter is so damn hard to me!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Marko82.
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