dispread: Error – new_disprd failed with 'Instrument Access Failed

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  • #23818

    Florian Höch
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    No, not everybody is crap. But the software that comes with gaming motherboards, keyboards and mice (so called “enthusiast gaming gear”) is [1]. By the way, if you keep being a dick, I will just remove your posting ability. This is not reddit. Either follow etiquette or get the fuck out.

    [1] https://twitter.com/gsuberland/status/1175570500292108289 (archive.org link: https://twitter.com/gsuberland/status/1175570500292108289)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Florian Höch. Reason: For reference

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    Thanks Florian for your reply below:

    Florian Höch wrote:

    No, not everybody is crap. But the software that comes with keyboards and mice (so called “enthusiast gaming gear”) is. By the way, if you keep being a dick, I will just remove your posting ability. This is not reddit. Either follow etiquette or get the fuck out.

    Post Link: https://hub.displaycal.net/forums/topic/dispread-error-new_disprd-failed-with-instrument-access-failed/#post-23818

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    I will be sure to post your reply on all review sites today.


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    Go ahead and remove me, I will just create other accounts using my proxy


    Florian Höch
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    Good riddance.

    And apologies to everyone else for the disturbance.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Florian Höch.

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    If it helps, it seems any RGB related software could be the cause of the issue.

    I went on a hunch and disable Alienware FX Display SmartInstaller Component Device under Software components in the Device Manager.

    This allowed my device to work without any issues. Hope this helps everyone else.


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    Charming guy…
    I had a similar issue and solved it by killing the process vpixxserver. It’s from a company that sells a modified version of the X-Rite i1 Display so it is perhaps unsurprising that this process would take control of it.


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    Just wanted to chime in and thank everyone for their advice!

    I was having this access failed issue with my new i1 Display Pro. My old i1 Display 2 worked fine (aside from terrible colors because its a 12 year old colorimiter). And yep, killing the Gigabyte AORUS app fixed it right up.

    Thanks Gigabyte…

    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    Just set up a new machine to make a heavy deadline in vfx – because of the chip shortage I had to go with a motherboard that had a lot of silly rgb leds (I’m in no way a gamer), a Gigabyte Aorus xtreme  Trx40.  Like everyone above I found access to my xrite i1display3 blocked and was going nuts trying to track it down.  I finally found this thread, shut down the Gigabyte LED programme RGBfusion.exe and voila problem solved.

    Just wanted to thank everyone here particularly Florian (who showed admirable restraint with the painful poster he ejected earlier) – I’d never had guessed that the LED software could be the cause on my own.  Dodgy software indeed . . .


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    If it helps, it seems any RGB related software could be the cause of the issue.

    I went on a hunch and disable Alienware FX Display SmartInstaller Component Device under Software components in the Device Manager.

    This allowed my device to work without any issues. Hope this helps everyone else.

    I know this is an old thread but thank you

    my xrite was working fine a couple days ago when I calibrated my Dell monitor and I went to try again using different corrections and had the same error. But removing Alienware command centre did the trick.


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    Just read the whole thread, this was happening with X-Rite and Argyll so the Alienware FX command centre was affecting both.
    I did remove Argyll reboot PC and had the disprd failed error.
    I then removed XRite services, reboot PC and only use Argyll and had the same error.


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    The Windows Logitech G Hub service


    for Logitech devices also causes err 32


    Old Man
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    Good to know, thanks

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