Display Pro HL

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    I’m new to display color calibration so I’m looking for a program that works on my Arch Linux laptop & desktop. DisplayCal looks very promising but I’m curious if it’s still being maintained? (the last version was released in December 2019 – almost four years ago).

    I’m thinking of buying the Calibrite Display Pro HL. I can’t find it on the list of supported devices but I’ve read that some of the X-Rite devices have been renamed so I’m not sure if it’s supported. Does somebody know?

    Thanks for your help!


    Calibrite Display Pro HL on Amazon   Calibrite Display SL on Amazon  
    Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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    It is an i1d3 and it should have the same unlock code as an i1display pro or i1displaypro OEM.

    Same device as old versions but Pro HL seems to have modified gains: worse performance in low light readings (OLED) than older models .


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    Ok I see, thanks for the answer! Is there also an upside or is it strictly worse than the i1displaypro?


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    Ok I see, thanks for the answer! Is there also an upside or is it strictly worse than the i1displaypro?

    It is supposed to be able to measure accurately more nits.

    Think of it as brightness slinder in an IPS display. Contrast window is static. If yiu rase brightness, black level raises too.
    Here with newer i1d3 sensor tech seems to be very close or the same, so if you push further then gains of the sensor low light measurement are going to be compromised…. but just for OLEDs. (non FALD) IPS and VA have a black level high enough under typical conditions >=100nit to be measured properly with “HL” devices, but for OLED displays it measures “black” with a RGB number input to panel higher than you would want.


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    There is also a product Calibrite ColocChecker Display Plus. Don’t you know whether it has the same issue with OLED?


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    There is also a product Calibrite ColocChecker Display Plus. Don’t you know whether it has the same issue with OLED?

    Read the thread on ABS forum.


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    Regarding this device, I just bought one. And I think that unless it is the same device with different gains, I would show different whitepoint measurements between Displaycal and Calibrite Profiler. If I adjust the RGB levels on a monitor and check the measurements with both programs, Displaycal always measures around 200-300k more points in the white level.

    Not sure if there are any other changes in the sensor that Argyllcms or Displaycal isn’t taking into account

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