How to enable dithering on Nvidia GeForce with Windows OS

Home Forums Help and Support How to enable dithering on Nvidia GeForce with Windows OS

  • This topic has 22 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Fuj00r.
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  • #29503

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    Could you post an actual screenshot of the problem? I am not sure that this is a dithering issue though I could be wrong.

    Sure thing. You can see those horizontal lines on dark areas but picture may not be clear even on much brighter spots than those.

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    I just noticed from my another notebook (Optimus: Intel + Nvidia) that I actually don’t see the problem on screenshots, only see those on older notebook.

    Here are photos of those same screenshots above from subject notebook with horizontal lines.

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    mat a
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    I am not sure if it is a Hardware issue (your old notebook) or software.

    1 Do the lines also show after a cold boot on the Windows desktop background?

    2 Do the lines move or is it always the same pattern?

    There are a lot if peiple having the same problem as you:

    You must have already tried it but unistall your drivers completely (check Display Driver Uninstaller or DDU) and install the latest ones.

    The best way to see if it is your notebook or a software issue is to plug your laptop into an external monitor.


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    I am not sure if it is a Hardware issue (your old notebook) or software.

    I hope my findings will contribute to other people. Thanks to OP when I set NoDithering flags in Registry I had no lines… but ugly flat look + banding. It is due 6 bit panel and that tells me those ugly lines indeed were dithering, unique bug with Nvidia drivers + specific panel (and/or other hardware). When Registry flags are set to Spatial 2×2 Dynamic that brings those horizontal lines again which tells Nvidia sets this type of dithering by default and its settings of this type are messy for my hardware.

    My 6 bit panel works best  with 6 bit Temporal dithering (attached photo) or 6 bit  Spatial 2×2 Static. None other. 8 bit Temporal brings moderate banding, 10 bit – bad banding. Set 6 bit for 6 bit panel. Other types of 6 bit are plainly bad. Thank you, mat, for your help.

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    mat a
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    I am glad that you got it sorted. I was not really helpful!

    I also played with those dithering settings but I am not sure that I am using the right ones for my panel. I do not seem to have any noticeable artifacts though.


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    FYI, you no longer have to mess with the registry to enable dithering. There are multiple tools out there now that use NVIDIA’s NVAPI to control the dither state, including my own novideo_srgb.


    Алексей Коробов
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    nVidia also releases two driver editions now. One is for gamers and the other one for photographers. This last one seems to use dithering, but may lack perfomance boost features.


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    This works a treat and is the only way i can get a smooth gradient when using calibration profiles.

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